The BOWA Blog

Bert Oliva


by Bert Oliva

Seize the moment! What a powerful statement. But many don’t think so. They think opportunity will come again.

One must take action now. When you want something in life you must go after it. Why sit and wait for another moment in time? We must seize the opportunities at once.

Have you ever seen something you really wanted, but you said, “Let me think about it”? And when you go back and it’s not there. Then you ask yourself, “Why didn’t I get it?” You tell yourself you’ll keep an eye out now and when you see it again, you will get it. Yet, you never see it again or, when you finally do, you no longer need it.

That is why we must take action Now.


1) Take every invitation and really think if attending the event will be beneficial for you and your dream.

2) If you see something you want, go after it.

3) Start looking for opportunity. Opportunities are there when you have your eyes opened.

Success is not by chance. It is for those who seize the Oportunities in life.

Live Life,
Bert Oliva

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Eric Munter


by Eric Munter

I know I’m a bit of a cliche – okay, more than “a bit” – but my favorite superhero is Superman. My reasons for liking him include his enviable superpowers (which no human can actually possess). The ability to fly would be amazing. Having super strength – who wouldn’t want that? To be faster than a speeding bullet would be incredible. Heat vision, freeze breath, telescopic vision, microscopic vision – the list goes on and on. This is actually one of the reasons why people don’t like Superman – because he’s too powerful.

And while his superhuman abilities are fun to imagine having, even if only for a day, these are not my favorite things about Superman. No. In fact, my favorite thing about Superman is his alter-ego – Clark Kent.

As Clark Kent, the last son of Krypton had to hide his superhero side from the rest of the world. (Side note: how incredibly nerdy do I sound having spouted all these Superman facts and references? Yikes!) And why does Clark have to hide these abilities from the average person? Because he’s afraid of what people might think of him if they knew his true nature. (At least this is what the Clark character in Smallville dealt with for ten seasons – a show I watched in its entirety. Yes, I know. More geek points awarded here.)

Being gay, that’s what resonated most with me. Growing up, I felt that I had to put on this facade in order to keep my true identity hidden from everyone else. But as I matured and grew up, I came to realize, much like Clark, you have to come from behind the shadows and step out into the light – be the man you’re meant to be and be proud of who you are. Those who truly love and respect you will show their true colors. I count myself lucky every day because I am surrounded by an immense amount of love and support because I am who I am.

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Alexa Oliva


by Alexa Oliva

Today I felt a bit nostalgic starting my day thinking of my mother-in-law. I have not been able to take her off my mind. I guess cause soon it will be 6 months since she passed. I have felt so shaken at the core of my existence. I feel changed forever. It has made me into such a different person. I look at life so differently and having looked at death in the eyes I no longer feel scared of life, just scared to hurt my family.

Today though I also realized that I married my best friend. And the only person that I can not live my life without. I believe her death has brought us closer than ever and I feel his love more now as well. I promised her I would take care if him till I die and I will.

Thank you Victoria for teaching me so much, for being my friend, my mentor and my family. I will always love you for who you were and for giving me the love of my life.

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LJ Polin


by LJ Polin

A while ago on one of our team movie nights, we saw a great movie called “Kumare.” It was a documentary about a young Indian man who grew up not understanding the purpose of religion. As he grew more, he began to question the authenticity of “gurus” and spiritual leaders and what their purpose was at all as well. What’s great is that he actually poses as guru himself from the mountains of India. And he was… Kumare.

However, he was an American from New Jersey. Having had studied the behavior of the spiritual leaders and gurus in India he successfully began to grow a following for his new teachings that he made up just for the social experiment.

It’s a pretty wild ride how he meets so many different people and how he affects people around him. Even though he meant to keep his teachings childish and humorous he began to develop a teaching of his own, saying that you are your own guru.

My description doesn’t do the movie justice, awesome documentary.

What I got from the movie was that you can definitely be your own teacher. People are always looking outwards for an answer or guidance from a leader when sometime we can follow our intuition. We know what we should do, it’s just usually that we don’t trust our own judgement. I think our subconscious is much smarter than our conscious mind anyways…

Definitely some good lessons in the movie and I recommend you watch it – tell me what you think!

Answer, you.

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LJ Polin


by LJ Polin

Apparently I lack emotions. Or emotion, rather. I’ve been told that I don’t care for others or myself and that I hold no emotions in other things and people. And what scares me a little less than it should is that I genuinely have that small feeling of desensitization towards life itself. People have told me this, a lot, and after later departing from a defensive standpoint I still only half grasp the concept. This honestly frustrates me because I feel helpless and lost when a solution is really what I would like to cross my mind. Is it as simple as I think too much and I feel too little?

I mean every time I attempt to figure this out, this lack of emotion, my mind starts thinking and it begins not to make sense. After all, emotions are a human built-in trait. Everyone has them. So if I don’t ‘have emotions’ maybe it’s not so literal… So then what does it mean to ‘have emotion’? Cognitively, I understand what the term is however how is it shown? Is it having passion? Or is it about empathy? And does it tie in with being a ‘real’ or genuine person?

Unfortunately for now these are all rhetorics, however I’m bringing these topics to light because I mean to do away with them. After talking with a few of my coworkers, I’ve come to the conclusion that the base point of this self research has to start with self awareness. As well as self understanding. Give a 2-year-old a math problem and expect something short of a correct answer. Give that same math problem to an honor role student and your results may differ. Why? Because the student was taught and he understands what the problem is and also ways in finding the answer. Simple.

I also believe that, like math, this self learning process is more of a building block pattern in the sense that everything to be learned builds on previously learned knowledge. And that’s okay, you have to start somewhere. And since the first step is the most difficult I’ve decided to make it public both in my daily blog and vlog. In my own nature I will be taking a somewhat scientific approach to it because I believe that everything can be broken down into micro cause and reactions. There must be a pattern somewhere that can be altered and ripple into the rest of how I live life.

So today, I challenge you. Find something about yourself you want to change for the better and first recognize it. Then I don’t want you to think the situation over in your head, I want you to attack that idea head on and see if you can break it down into something sensible and alterable. I’ll definitely be following up with this topic via vlogs and blogs so stay tuned.

And as for my robot-itis, just consider it temporary.

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Val Leichtman


by Val Leichtman

I smooth my black pencil skirt down as  I sit next to my boss in the backseat of a company car on our way to a client meeting. I run over the pitch in my head one more time while Bob checks his email on his phone. I’ve been working on this account for two months and this is my first shot at taking lead on a presentation. If I nail this, I have every shot of becoming a partner in the firm. I’d love to make partner before my 30th birthday.

I’m jostled out of my daydreaming by my phone ringing. Looking at the display, I sigh and click the answer button. I click the answer button and bring the phone to my ear, I transform.  My lengths shorten, to where my ankles just stick out over the edge of the seat. My black pumps turn to black Mary Janes with white socks with lace around the edges. My suit turns into a frilly, blue seersucker dress and my long, straightened brown hair, is suddenly in two braided pigtails. I’m 10 years old as I say, “Hi, Mom.”

Tonight, someone very close to me brought up a very good point to me. I’ve always said that my family treats me like a little girl, but my friend pointed out that I act like little girl around my family. I’m not sure if anyone else has this problem, but I find it very difficult to stand up to my parents and say “No,” to anything. I’m terrified of disappointing them, so much so that I will often sacrifice my own happiness in order to please them. For instance, next week, I turn 29 and my mother recently called to invite me to a birthday party she had started planning for me. However, I have already made plans to go out of town with my friends over my birthday. Even though every fiber of my being wants to go on my planned trip, there’s this little 10-year-old voice in my head that keeps telling me I should cancel my trip and spend the day with my mother because she’ll be very disappointed.

I ended up putting on my “big girl” shoes and telling my mom the truth. She was very disappointed but we’re making plans to see each other another day. My little girl voice is still squeaking in the background, telling me how selfish I am, but my almost-30-year-old voice is beginning to drown her out.

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Bert Oliva


by Bert Oliva

Why is it that the more successful you become, the more violence comes your way? You are probably saying, “What are you talking about?”

You see, we have so many ways to promote ourselves and our businesses these days, namely social media. Social media is a fantastic way to tell the world your dreams and make them a reality. However, the closer you get to success on these new platforms, the more haters and trolls you come across.

I have come across numerous people that started to use social media to promote themselves. As they grew more successful, they received more and more nasty, and sometimes aggressive, comments and feedback and they eventually gave into it.

Why!? Why allow people to steal your dream? The more you try and succeed, the more haters you will have to go through. Don’t give into people that most of the time don’t even use there real names. They create avatars to beat up people following their dreams, usually out of jealousy because they don’t have the courage to reach for their own.

More often than not, these people don’t even take the time to truly look at what you’re doing before they criticize it. I truly laugh at those people who tell us our videos “suck” or our blog posts are “horrible.” How do they know? They don’t even watch the episodes or read our blog.

Don’t stop! Keep working towards your dream and be consistent in your social media. You will succeed, believe you me. Some don’t understand what you’re doig, but if you believe it in your heart then don’t stop!


1) Collaborate with other creators.

2) Comment & Forward work that you like.

3) Build Real Relationships with other content creators.

4) Have No Shame in plugging yourself any chance you get.

Give these tools a shot. And let me know how they work for you. And we at are always interested in calibration.

My Shameless Plug! / The Company / The Network

And just look me up on all the social media and lets connect: “BERT OLIVA”

Let’s Make It Happen, Together!

Live Life,
Bert Oliva

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