
Bert Oliva


by Bert Oliva

The time has come you you to make things right!

What do you think I’m talking about? I’m talking about when you fight wih someone or have ran away from a problem… The time has come to make things right. Do what ever it takes tI not looses those that you truly love.

I have seen peopl sit back a wait to see if that person gives. Sometime we wait for something to happen so we can be the hero. Well guess what?

The best time to repair or save any situation is NOW. Don’t wait till it’s really to late. The perfect time will never come. You must take this time to fix it.

Give it your best shot. And don’t have any expectations when approaching the issue at hand.

Now go a let those people that you truly love know how you truly feel about them and that you don’t want to loose them. Don’t wait for the perfect time. Make the perfect time right now! Tomorrow might be to late…

Live Life,