
Bert Oliva

Are You Being Judged?

by Bert Oliva

The short answer, yes. Every time you meet someone you form your opinion of him or her, either consciously or subconsciously. The same is happening to them towards you. First encounters usually set the pace for the duration of a relationship.

Here are some tips on how to make a good first impression:

– Be on time.
– Be yourself; be at ease.
– Present yourself appropriately.
– Engage in the small talk.
– Be attentive.
– Have a winning smile!

The above tips will help you make a good first impression, but what about our first impressions of others? Though we may always subconsciously make judgments of others, it is important for us to make a conscious effort to not make a judgment on someone’s situation unless we have made a serious effort to discover all the facts. The phrase, “A little information can be a dangerous thing” is very appropriate when it comes to making judgments. Oftentimes what looks like one thing on our first impression can be discovered to be something else once we have more information.

Moreover, remember that life has quite a sense of humor. Many times a person who judges another for a situation they are in will find themselves in a very similar, and often worse, situation. Never look down on people. You could be next.

Live Life,
Bert Oliva