
Bert Oliva

Are You Ready To Compromise?

by Bert Oliva

Should you give in to others demands when you believe in something? How far should you stand up for your principles? What if it calls for sacrificing your family for a period of time?

To compromise is to make a deal where someone gives up part of, or all of its demand. In arguments, compromise is a concept of finding agreement through communication, through a mutual acceptance of terms often involving variations from an original goal or desire.

Honorable people usually go for it all the way, but how do you make up for time lost in your life?

In life, in order to get a little you have to give a little. But do not expect to get a lot when you give a little. I believe this is where most people are in life. You want tons of results from life but you are not willing to give tons into what you want. How can you quench your thirst if you only pour yourself half a glass? If you compromise or set up a goal when you go in, you should know what your breaking point is. Just be realistic.

Planning for the unforeseen should safeguard your future outcomes. If your future includes a family, then you should setup the plan with them. When you have an obligation to a family you need to include them in the process and keep them involved so you can make these decisions together and stay together in the long run.

Until next time.


“How can you quench your thirst if you only pour yourself half a glass?” – Bert Oliva