The BOWA Blog


Passion is Not A Part-Time Job

by BOWAworld

Passion is not a part-time job. You can not choose when to be passionate and when to be complacent. If you want an amazing quality of life, then you have to stay focused on and passionate about your goals every day and all day.

You can not pick and choose when you want to work on your life. If you do, then you are sure to be riding a roller coaster of ups and downs that makes you queasy. That’s because we get the same amount of energy reflected back to us that we put into life. So, if you are only putting in 25% of your passion on some days, 50% on others, and 100% on very few and far between days, then that’s exactly what you are going to get out of life.

The issue is that we do not see results from our actions immediately. So, you may start to put in 100% of your passion, but you will still be reaping the results of your 25% effort for many days, weeks, or even months or years after you ceased doing it. That is why it is so important to put in your all into every single thing you do every single day that you live.

Stop making excuses for yourself. Stop saying tomorrow. Stop degrading the beauty and power that is within you by allowing yourself off the hook. It is time for you to claim your greatness and get what you deserve out of your life.

Live Life,
Bert Oliva

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Bert Oliva

Anger Driven

by Bert Oliva

What do you do you with your anger? Are you one of those people that loses control and destroys everything in their path? Then you regret what you said and did? Or are you one of those people that channels their anger? And uses the energy to move you forward?

We all get angry and upset. Life is not perfect by any means and there are just times when we will not be happy. However, when you allow your anger to control you and ruin everything you have built, you are only hurting yourself. You can hurt relationships, business deals, and even your future.

Anger is an emotion like any other. Feeling it is normal. However, you must learn how to channel it in order to keep it from destroying you.

Instead of allowing anger to build up, start using techniques to vent your anger. Keep a journal near you and write away your anger when you feel it. Or take a walk to use up some of that pent up energy. Or find another way, preferably with some type of physical action, to exert some of the energy that you are feeling. Once you vent some of the initial anger, then you can look upon the situation that made you angry and logically think about what actions you can take to change the situation.

By using this two-step process, you will keep your anger from hurting you, yet you will still be able to channel the power of your anger to drive change in your life.

Live Life,
Bert Oliva

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Bert Oliva

I Quit!

by Bert Oliva

Are you struggling right now? Does life feel impossible? Have you been working nonstop on a goal and things just seem to be getting more challenging? Then congratulate yourself! That means you are closer to your goal than you think.

Things always get tougher as you get closer to your goal. I do not know why this is. However, I do know it to be true. No matter the person, the harder you work and the closer you get to achieving things, the more things will come to challenge you and try to stray you from your path.

Do not allow these challenges to phase you. All too often we quit just inches away from achieving our goals. Instead, stay focused and believe in yourself. Know that you are greatness and that you have greatness within you. Know that you will achieve what you have set your mind to. It may take 3 months or 3 years or even longer, but if you stay focused and positive, you will achieve it. I guarantee it. Keep at it. You deserve success.

Live Life,
Bert Oliva

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Bert Oliva

Why We Fail

by Bert Oliva

If you look deeply at the failures of various people, including yourself, you will see that each failure more than likely is due to one of three things: ego, greed, or significant other.

Ego – When we are two prideful or worried about how we appear, we tend to miss opportunities right in front of us.

Greed – Money is like energy, the more we work with it and give and receive it, the more we attract. When we just hold onto our wealth, we stifle our growth and money stops flowing to us.

Significant Other – When we allow our feelings for our significant other to rule how we choose to live our lives and the decisions we make, failure is almost guaranteed.

We each have at least one of these aspects in our lives. Many of us will have two or even three of them. None of them are necessarily bad. In fact, we all need all three. We need to have some ego and be proud of who we are, what we do, and what we stand for. We need to be a little greedy too. If we never put our needs first, then we will never be able to take care of ourselves let alone anyone else in our lives. And having someone we can share our life with—whether that person is a significant other or just a good friend—is something we all crave and need as human beings.

The problem comes when we allow any of these aspects of our lives to overwhelm the rest of our lives. The secret to success is to be able to balance these aspects with all the other aspects of our lives.

Now, it’s time for you to take an honest inventory of your life. Which of these three aspects are taking up too much of your energy? If it is more than one, choose just one to work on. Start making small changes to balance this aspect.

Remember, you reap what you sow. Once you master balance within these aspects of your life you will see a major change in the quality of your life.

“Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.” –Albert Einstein

Live Life,
Bert Oliva

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Bert Oliva

Today’s Advice

by Bert Oliva

Advice is everywhere nowadays. Thanks to social media you will find so-called “experts” spouting advice on every single platform you visit. Yet, how often do you check the credibility of these experts?

As information is so readily available in the modern world, it is twice as vital that we each do our due diligence before choosing someone’s advice to follow. Figure out exactly what you want to learn and then find a true expert to help you.

If you want to be extremely wealthy, do not simply choose the person that looks to have the most glamorous life on Instagram. Instead, do some research. Does that person actually live the quality of life you want? Or are they simply posing?

It is vital to make sure that the people you choose to get advice from are actual living what it is they are teaching. Remember, it is very easy to give advice, yet it is much harder to actually live the advice you give. We as human beings love to talk about things. We love to give the so-called “obvious” answers because it is just so much easier to see other people’s problems rather than to be introspective and look within ourselves. However, the only people you want to take advice from are those who have had the guts to be introspective and who are constantly working on improving themselves.

Find the real experts in your circle. They may not be the people who are touting themselves as such. They may be your neighbor, your coworker, or even the parking attendant. Every person has something to teach you if you are open to it. However, you have to make sure you are fully clear on what it is you are looking for in your life.

The saying, “The teacher will come when the student is ready,” is incredibly valid. Get your mind set on what it is you want in your life and what is it you want to learn how to do. Once you have your focus, you will be surprised how quickly the expert or experts you need will appear.

Live Life,
Bert Oliva

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Bert Oliva

Take Action

by Bert Oliva

Do you want to be better at what you do? Do you want a better quality of life? Do you want more riches? Whatever it is you want in your life, do you take immediate action to get there? Or are you just coasting in your life waiting to get more?

I have news for you. Life doesn’t work that way. You do not get more of what you want in your life simply because you want it. You have to take action. You have to make continuous efforts and movement toward your goals.

Unfortunately, most people do not take immediate action. For instance, I had a sponsor contact me and tell me they wanted to sponsor six 30-day scholarships to our Mastermind Circle, which is a weekly interactive live coaching webinar. We have interviews with experts, real-world lessons, a community of like-minded people, and so much more. We were so excited about this that we posted notice of this opportunity everywhere. We even reached out to a few specific people who had expressed interest in Mastermind in the past and gave them a registration link. Yet, not one single person took action. Not one single person took the opportunity and ran with it.

How often are you doing this in your own life? How often are you presented with amazing opportunities that you simply miss because you are not open to them or, worse still, you put off till later only to discover that later the opportunity is gone?

What’s holding you back to get the quality of life you deserve? Your life is spectacular. You have opportunities coming to you in all directions. You just need to open your eyes and take immediate action.

Live Life,
Bert Oliva

P.S. If you are interested in finding out more about our Mastermind Circle and if we have any sponsored scholarships available, please Contact Us Here.

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Bert Oliva

The Most Important Day

by Bert Oliva

As a business coach, I have been asked numerous times what the most important day of the week is. Many people say it’s Monday because how you start your week is how you end your week. Some people say it’s Wednesday because it’s important to keep the momentum going throughout your week. Others say it’s Friday…

You know what I believe the most important day of the week is? Today.

It does not matter what today is—Monday, Christmas, the first day of Summer—this day, this moment right now, is the most important day. Why? Because it is the only moment you are currently in. It is the only time that you can make changes in your life. It is the only present you will ever have.

Stop putting things off. You need to embrace and take action every single moment of every day that you can.

What were you doing before you started reading this post? Was it something that is really going to change the quality of your life in a positive way? What are you going to do right after you finish reading this post?

Let’s stop walking through our lives unconsciously like the walking dead. Let’s start being conscious of our time here and how we spend our time. Let’s start making conscious choices to make our lives better, our world better, to move ourselves forward in a positive way.

Take charge of your life. Embrace every moment of every day.

Live Life,
Bert Oliva

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