The BOWA Blog

Audrey Bracho


by Audrey Bracho

“And the truth shall set you free.”

Most of us grow up hearing this sentence from the Bible and although it sounds like an easy, rewarding and liberating action many of us choose to do otherwise.

The reasons  are probably endless but a few come to mind, many of which are based in fear.

Fear of disappointing others.

Fear on what others might think of us.

Fear of being judged or not approved.

In the end all I can say is,  try it some time. It is not as hard or scary as we might think. It’s a freeing experience and even though you might be hurting others once you decide to open up, it hurts a lot less than a little lie that you tell over and over again. So, give it a try and free your self from the prison you put yourself in.

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Eric Munter


by Eric Munter

Have you ever had one of those forgetful moments? If you can’t remember, then the answer is “YES.” I just did and it is frustrating me to no end. After doing my “Awesome” vlog today (I’m using the word “awesome” to describe the title of my vlogging series rather than using it to describe today’s vlog), and idea came to me for tomorrow’s video. And what did I do? I didn’t write it down. I went to unpack groceries, go through the mail – and now I’ve forgotten what this awesome “Awesome” idea was going to be.

Instances like these are so annoyingly frustrating. They can be easily prevented. In this day and age with cell phones, you just open your notepad app or voice memo app and can quickly note your spur-of-the-second thought. This is something I strive to do in order not to forget these fleeting thoughts that occur from time to time – but sometimes I wonder at what cost am I doing this?

Does relying too much on “outsourcing” things you need to remember to notes on paper and/or digital technology impair your brain’s ability to remember things? Or by minimizing the “stress” of having to remember simple, mundane and random things free up the brain’s capacities to process more complex and more important matters? I really hope it’s the latter.

In fact, I think I once read a study about this – but I forget what it said.

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Val Leichtman


by Val Leichtman

“5 minutes!” I hear from down the hall. I breathe deeply and put one last coat of powder on my face, over the large pink circles of rouge on my cheeks, the bright red lipstick, the long black false eyelashes. I stand and smooth out my costume, the black sequin gown, complete with an inner hoop that poofs the skirt around my waist. I pat my beehive hair and calmly stand behind the curtain. As the burgundy, velvet material begins to separate, I find myself in the center of the stage and begin the act I’m famous for, I start to cry . . .

I am a drama queen. No denying it. I am. Not too long ago (even perhaps a week ago), I would have fought you tooth and nail on this description, but it’s the truth. I always thought that a drama queen was one who starts drama. You know, an instigator, like the “mean popular girl” character in every single high-school comedy or drama ever made. But I recently came to the conclusion that there’s a second kind of drama queen. The kind that sees the drama in every situation and takes everything a little too personally.

I fall into the second category. If someone speaks a little too harshly to me because they’re stressed, I’ll hold onto that for awhile (sometimes hours) and wonder how I can “fix” the situation (which is actually no situation at all, but one I’ve made up in my head). This wouldn’t be so bad if I didn’t show the world my feelings about it by crying. Tears seem to be my outlet for any emotion—sadness, fear, anger, frustration, and even joy.

I really do not like being known as the cry-baby and drama queen, but what you resist persists (yet another of Bert’s sayings). So, today, I’m going to stop resisting it so much and acknowledge one positive of this side of me: my heart. I have a huge heart, perhaps because I wear it on my sleeve so regularly. It takes a little bit for someone to obtain my love, but once you have it, there are very few things you can do to lose it. I’m a true believer in unconditional love and I can say, without an ounce of doubt (or tears for the matter), that I’m a true practitioner of it as well.

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Bert Oliva


by Bert Oliva

Why do you worry so much? Why do we worry so much?

What happens when you get worried? Well let’s see…When we worry we get stressed and in return we get sick.

Most of the time, we stress over small things. Things that really truly don’t make a difference in our lives.

So why so we do it? There are several reasons why. However, two big ones come to mind for me. Sometimes we fight for things to go a certain way and when they don’t we flip out. Others times people do things the way we don’t like or it bothers us.

Here are some tools that have worked for me.

1) Avoid setting yourself up with F.E.A.R., which Les Brown says is “False. Expectation. Appearing. Real.” Try to not have expectations so you don’t take too many things to heart.

2) Don’t allow others to disappoint you. Not everyone is going to make you happy.

3) Focus on what you need to be focusing on, which is you and your life. Because once you take care of you and what’s in your life, everything else falls into place and happens as it should.

So just stop worrying so much and be happy.

Live Life,
Bert Oliva

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Alexa Oliva


by Alexa Oliva

Yes I know I can be stupid but to me being stupid is me having a good time. Is me taking an appropriate moment to let go and be silly and not care what anyone thinks.

When I don’t care what people think I’m being genuine with myself. I’m not perfect so I don’t have to worry about being perfect.

It also destresses me and anyone around me when I do it. Tonight I did a video blog=vlog just being ridiculous. My son was sitting next to me just laughing. And I could hear LJ from across the room saying OMG. Made me smile, it’s my moment and I loved it.

To see my vlog join my SocialCam or Facebook. Thanks for reading till the next one. Peace!

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Eric Munter


by Eric Munter

Friends are an incredible gift. I could be without a material thing in my life, not a penny to my name, and I would still count myself rich beyond comprehension. That is because I KNOW I have the absolutely most amazing group of friends in the world. Sure, I sound like a proud new papa gushing over his baby saying, “I have the most amazing child in the world because of XYZ.” But I can say without reserve, hesitation or batting an eye that you would be extremely hard-pressed to be surrounded by as much love and friendship that I am.

There are countless instances over the years that have made an indelible mark on me from the experiences I’ve had with my friends. I will never forget the time I was running around on the playground pretending we were flying, the multiple, thousand-mile road trips, the time two of my friends baked me cookies after my car accident and spontaneously brought them to my house, each time I told each of my friends I’m gay and received their loving support, the times I was asked to be a best man – all these things and hundreds of other memories mean the world to me.

This post is not to gloat, but serves as a reminder for me. From time to time, I take my friends for granted. I assume they will always be there when I don’t hang out with them for long periods of time or when I don’t call, text or email them. And they might possibly always be there when I go through these dry spells – but I should never treat them this way. They deserve better because they provide me with unconditional love and support in all that I do. And for that, I am and will always be eternally grateful.

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Audrey Bracho


by Audrey Bracho

Jump, Jump, Jump!!!

It use to be something you would hear your friends cheer when you were little and it usually meant something awesome would happen if you did. Or you would break an arm at the most.

Nowadays it carries so much toughness and pressure before we make the decision to fully involve ourselves into something new. We perspire, breath hard, think it over and over again and in that process we make decisions that change us. We finally take a deep breath, some of us close our eyes or some like to watch and we take the plunge hoping it will work out.

What happened to the fearlessness of our childhood, the wanting to be the first, where did the fun in the unknown  go hiding?
I found mine hiding way inside , I took it out, shook it and decided to take it for a ride. It’s time to have fun.

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