The BOWA Blog

Eric Munter


by Eric Munter

I have to pee. I’ll be right back …

Okay, I’m back and ready to begin this blog post. Sorry for that initial delay, but I have been drinking a lot of water lately. This was spearheaded by Alexa and the water craze has caught on like wild fire with most the rest of the team, including Bert and Valerie (

If you were to walk into our office, you’d see us all carrying around our behemoth bottles of Zephyrhills. Being in South Florida during the summer time, I’m sure you’d initially think we were stocking up for an approaching storm as we hoard these ginormous containers.

What’s funny is, I had forgotten how great it feels to drink water – at least for me. I find myself more alert, less sluggish and “fresher.” I’m not exactly sure how to describe it, but my body just seems to be functioning at a better level. All this because of the simple thing of drinking water.

This begs the question, what other simple things in my life aren’t I doing that, if I were, things might be a tad bit better? As I will be on the look-out for other potential small adjustments to help kick my body into a higher gear, I will continue to drink my water – and I encourage you to join in and do the same.

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Val Leichtman


by Val Leichtman

Crouched over my desk, I look at the worn calendar in my hands and run my fingers over the thick red circle of marker around tomorrow’s date. Shadows dance across the calendar from the trees in the breeze outside my window. I pick up the squat marker and squeakily draw a  fat red “X” over today’s date, just like all the “X’s” on the days before. Time for bed, tomorrow is the day.

Waking the next morning, I stand and stretch, and glance over to my calendar. I follow all the red “X’s” in a row and see that today is a blank square right before the red circle marking tomorrow’s date. Disappointment washes over me like a cloud of cheap perfume. One more day to get through. That night, I look longingly at tomorrow’s date as I cross off today’s date with an “X.” Tomorrow is the day.

The next day, I look to my calendar to see that today is yet another boring, blank day. Tomorrow is the day . . . 
Tomorrow never comes. Truly, it is just like the above scene—tomorrow is always in the future. Nevertheless, this doesn’t stop us all from looking to “tomorrow” as that new beginning, that better day, the day when we finally do something. However, by doing this, we are always living in the future and not in the present; we do not enjoy the current moment because we’re looking towards something that is never actually going to arrive. I’ve recently started consciously changing my internal dialog. Instead of always looking to “tomorrow,” I’ve started looking at today as that chance. It’s not always easy, but when I find myself frustrated and thinking “tomorrow,” I’ve started changing my words to “right now.” Right now will be my new beginning, my better day, or the moment I finally do something.

Not tomorrow, today . . .

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Bert Oliva


by Bert Oliva

As I sit here in total darkness, my mind starts to talk. What is it my little voice saying? A lot, if I just take a moment to listen.

I believe that most of our answers are inside of us. We seem to always be looking on the outside for answers. However, if we just sit down in total darkness, our answers will come to us.

And once we open your eyes again, truly then will we start to live.

How many times have you thought of a person you have not seen or talked to in a long time and then they show up in your life?

What about when you have a thought of person, place or thing and then and only then you start to see signs reminding you of them or it?

I can go on with more examples . . . but you get the idea.

All I’m saying to you is WAKE UP. Wake up now! Open your beautiful heart and soul and you will start to live. Stop looking on the outside and look within. Live the life you were truly meant to live.

Live Life,
Bert Oliva

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Alexa Oliva


by Alexa Oliva

Commitment is such a big word we use every day, whether it’s to dedicate ourselves to our job, our family or the person we love. We use this word to describe when we want to make a promise for the future.

Problem is that sometimes we over commit and under deliver.I think the intention is usually genuine but the COMMITMENT is not taken seriously. Nowadays people say they are committed to a person, a cause or a project and if they fail to deliver they say “OMG I’m sorry.” But truly they have not pushed their best to get it done. There is no real commitment. And this is what our society is becoming. Our society has gotten lazy. And being lazy is okay in most minds.

I may even be as bold to say, these people that say “I’m sorry” and do not come through are the ones that truly never achieve their maximum potential.People that make a commitment and do whatever it takes to come through, are usually the high achievers in life. The ones that others strive to be or achieve what they have achieved. But the reality is if you want their successes you must be willing to deliver at all costs.

When you make a promise it should be to death.Not until I get bored, not until I rest, not until I get over my cold and definitely not until the HEAT game is over.

I think it’s called communicate the reality of what you are willing to promise. If you’re not ALL IN then say it from the beginning, set expectations.You will get some people upset or disappointed, but think about how angry they get if you let them down.Or think about how HAPPY they will be when you come through.

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Eric Munter


by Eric Munter

I love driving. Whether I’m cruising around town or setting out for a cross-country road trip, driving is just great. I can be with a group of people or all by myself, and either way I love the experience.

In high school, I was the first of my friends to get my license. This meant I got to be the “chauffeur” of the group. I would drive my friends around town without a destination in mind and we would talk and talk and talk, having the best of times. So many great memories were forged in what I affectionately call “The Cheeto.” This is because my first car was an orange Ford Explorer – the fact that the car was orange was more the reason for the name rather than its make.

Nowadays I spend most of my time alone in my car, typically for my daily commute in the mornings and evenings. And even though I’m alone, I still find myself enjoying my drives. Driving is one of the few times I get to spend with just me. I can spend it thinking about my next book idea, day dreaming (while still paying attention to the road, of course), or singing along (badly) to the latest AT40 (“American Top 40”) song on the radio. However I spend the time, I treasure it, enjoy it and remember the time fondly.

It is fond memories like these, be they good times with friends or quiet moments by myself, that (excuse the obvious pun) drive me.

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LJ Polin


by LJ Polin

They say that everything that will be invented has already been created. And that everything that is created today are just improvements upon earlier creations. This makes me pretty sad… But not because I believe that’s true, but because I believe that most people think that way. In my opinion we can’t afford to think like that.

What I don’t think most people understand is that the world as we know it can change in an instance with the creation of something new. Let’s get to a very simple level, below even new invention. The iPod. Not original really, just an improvement. However it in fact did change the world as we know it. It started a frenzy over anything that was branded with an apple on it and dug under the skins of so many that everyone on the planet, in some way, got news of its creators passing that same very day. It changed the world.

But that was a new creation, built upon an existing thing. Inventions on the other hand expand what we can do in fields that were previously inexistent. I believe that invention, not improvement, is the key to growth among a civilization. Yes, the latter is important and needed, however how do houses get larger? By someone perfecting the interior design? Or someone who adds a new room?

I think that kids these days should be encouraged to think of new ideas and new inventions that will shape this world. It’s kids anyways that have no limits to their imagination. I would truly like a shift in today’s society to put a spin on what is considered “new” and open everyone’s minds to thinking of what hasn’t been thought of before. We spend too much time thinking on a linear plane. Thinking about what has happened, what will happen or what is happening. Very rarely do people escape time defined thought.

So I would like you to try it. Think about something and begin to create. If it seems like a strange idea then perfect! More the chance that it hasn’t been thought up before! Just don’t be surprised when you come across an idea that will change this world… as we know it.

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Val Leichtman


by Val Leichtman

It whips against the backs of my legs, sounding like a large flag in the wind. It’s heavy, a literal weight on my shoulders as I stand tall with all my strength. Looking over the edge of the building, cars meander by like multi-colored ants, the pedestrians dust particles. Will it weigh me down? My pulse pounds in my ears, drowning everything out but my own labored breathing. Closing my eyes, I take in a deep breath, hold it, and jump off the ledge. 

The heavy cape is suddenly light as it flows behind me and I soar through the air.

I am a superhero. No, I don’t have a cape, nor do I have magical strength or other superpowers, but I have a skill that no one else has: I have direct insight and control over me. We each have enormous power to affect positive or negative change, or no change at all, in the world around us. It’s an unbelievable amount of power, and with that power comes great responsibility.

We shouldn’t look at those invisible capes on our shoulders as weights though, but opportunities. We each have amazing gifts and power within us, but most of us don’t even know what they are, let alone how to tap into them. I am one of those people, but today, I’m making a pledge to myself, to start affecting positive change around me on a daily basis, even if it’s just making someone smile.

Wanna fly with me?

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