I’M YOUR WISH (The Pickup Artist 14)

Are you a pickup artist? Bert Oliva shares examples of good and bad pickup lines.

GOD’S SHOWING OFF (The Pickup Artist 13)

Are you a pickup artist? Bert Oliva shares examples of good and bad pickup lines.

YOUR EYES (The Pickup Artist 12)

Are you a pickup artist? Bert Oliva shares examples of good and bad pickup lines.

TOUCHED BY AN ANGEL (The Pickup Artist 11)

Are you a pickup artist? Bert Oliva shares examples of good and bad pickup lines.

YOU’RE A BOOGER (The Pickup Artist 10)

Are you a pickup artist? Bert Oliva shares examples of good and bad pickup lines.

I’VE FALLEN FOR YOU (The Pickup Artist 9)

Are you a pickup artist? Bert Oliva shares examples of good and bad pickup lines.

FOLLOW MY DREAMS (The Pickup Artist 8)

Are you a pickup artist? Bert Oliva shares examples of good and bad pickup lines.

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