
Bert Oliva


by Bert Oliva

Today I was on my way to a very important meeting and I decided to ride my motorcycle. And I decided to ride with a group
Well, one of the bikes broke down. And I was not able to make it to the meeting at all…

Most people’s initial feeling would be frustration. I’m not going to lie to you. I was not happy. However, things happen. I made the best of it. I sat under a tree and started to write my Blog for today and also did my Vlog.

You see, most people get so mad when life does not go as planned and they end up missing the big picture. We should always take a step back and see what choice we do have. And choose the one that makes us productive.

My meeting was rescheduled for tomorrow and I’m ok with it. I’m not in any way saying to take disruptions in a completely nonchalant way. But also don’t allow your day to be destroyed. If you live and learn from the messages life’s circumstances give you, then you will learn to live.  Give it a shot when your day doesn’t go as planned. And let me know how it worked out…

Live Life,
Bert Oliva