
Bert Oliva


by Bert Oliva

I really love those people that that say, “I have been saved. And now I am a different person.” However, the first chance they can, they lash out, disrespect and even attack. And then they say, “I have accepted the Lord.” My question is how hypocritical can you be?

When a person takes a “saved” path, then they should stick with it. Even when all temptation comes up. You must choose the better choice. Not take the easy route by being your old self and then saying, “But I have been saved” after you attack someone with your words. Being saved does not grant you the right to treat others any way you please.

If you are truly saved or have chosen the better path, you should not have to say it as much as show it. Actions will alway trump words…

So just take a step back when someone says, “I have been saved,” just before they attack. A truly “saved” person won’t attack…

So are you truly saved?

Live Life,