
Audrey Bracho

Golden Coin

by Audrey Bracho

A golden coin sounds like something we would all want to have or to be compared to, and in reality is the one thing I no longer want to be. I’m done with the pleasing, and the liking and the happy faces of everyone else except for mine. Pleasing the world or at least your world becomes a full-time job before you know it.

It all starts with the fact that we like how we feel when others are happy with our actions or our behavior but if in order to do that you find yourself being someone else rather than who you really are, then we are definitely missing the point. I realized that once I stopped trying to please everyone and started doing more of what makes me happy, those who you care about you will appreciate you for who you are and the world would be a happier place.

Now go on and make the world a happier place by starting with yourself.

Amen! Yihaw! Hijole!