
Bert Oliva


by Bert Oliva

Do you listen to your little voice? Are you paying attention to the questions you’re asking yourself at times? What about the answers you give yourself?

I really want you to think about what I’m asking you. Many times, I have seen people that always give advice. And they give incredible advice. However, they seem not to listen to their own advice most of the time.

I really believe we all have a sixth sense at times; that little voice inside ourselves. But we are not listening to it or seem to avoid it and we end up doing the wrong things most of the time.

Become more aware of what your little voice is telling you. I’m not say it’s always right. What I’m saying is listen to it. Pay attention…

1) Take note of the questions you’re asking yourself every day.

2) When giving advice, notice how your advice can help yourself.

3) Write down what your little voice is telling you most of the time. Pay attention to the messages you see there.

Look, I’m not saying that I have all the answers. All I’m saying is, if you pay attention to your life, life will look so much more different.

Live Life,
Bert Oliva