
Eric Munter


by Eric Munter

My favorite thing about writing is when you first start. You’re greeted by a blank page. A blank canvas. A fresh start. While sometimes scary and daunting, the possibilities are endless. What comes out might be utterly horrible or truly inspired, but in the end it’s yours and yours alone (assuming you aren’t plagiarizing).

When I do write, I prefer to write works of fiction. In a fictional universe, you create all the rules and are not confined to some universal law. If I want to create a world where everyone has a super-human ability I can. When I write, I write for myself and myself alone. I’m not doing it to appeal to a certain market or placate my teacher’s insipid assignments. (Thank God those days are far behind me!) Whoever likes what I wrote likes it, and whoever doesn’t can go and find something more to their liking.

That is what inspires me when I write – having the total creative freedom over each paragraph, sentence, word and character in my work.