
Bert Oliva

Pick One

by Bert Oliva

One small change you make everyday can make a big difference in the long run. Are you willing to commit to yourself to a small change today?

If you attempt to make a big change half way through, obstacles can deter you.

Here are some small things that you can start with to make a change in your life:

1) Take a different route to work.
2) Get up earlier than normal, even if it is only 15 min.
3) Get up on the opposite side of the bed.
4) Eat something you would never eat.
5) Walk your children to school.
6) Wear your hair different.
7) Read a book on something you would never read.

I recommend you do this, of course, for 21 days. Afterwards try something a little harder. You can train yourself to accept change in your life. Eventually you can train yourself on the life changes in life. The only thing constant in life is, yes, change.

Until next time.


“One small change can change your life.” – Bert Oliva