
Bert Oliva

Starting Off Right

by Bert Oliva

Do you hate Mondays? Are there times when you even find yourself dreading Sunday night because you know Monday is that much closer?

Someone told me recently that “Everyone hates Mondays.” Why? There’s something intrinsically wrong with that statement. Mondays are the beginning of your workweek. They are a time for excitement, not dread. They are the start of your next great deal, the next big achievement, the next new project…

We’re all human. There are times when many of just don’t want to get out of bed on a Monday morning. However, when you examine your feelings on those mornings, you will usually find that you’ve been procrastinating something or struggling with a project. Once you understand where those feelings are coming from, you can make of plan of action—give yourself a pep talk and make a commitment that you are going to call that person you’ve been avoiding as soon as you get into the office, or you’re going to ask your team for help on the project, etc.

Don’t allow yourself to bring your “Case of the Mondays” to your office, your coworkers, or anyone else. Change your state quickly and psych yourself up for all the good things you are going to attract into your life this week.

Why is this important? Because, with anything, how you start is how you end it. The only way you will truly have a strong finish to your week is by having a strong beginning. When you start your week excited and pumped with goals in mind, you infuse everything you do, the people you interact with, and even your environment with positive energy. That positive energy feeds off itself and snowballs into an awesome week for everyone.

However, negative energy can do the same thing, and those people who aren’t as strong are more susceptible to it. That’s why it’s vital to bring positivity and excitement to your environment, especially on Mondays, when others might be feeling down.

Change your view of Mondays and you’ll be amazed at how your results change.

Live Life,
Bert Oliva

Quote This:

“The beginning is the most important part of the work.” ―Plato



  1. Karen Shaw  April 21, 2015

    I like this article Bert. I have always hated Mondays. Now I will try to look at it in a whole new light. I will start up the week right and finish the week with a bang. Thank you