
Bert Oliva

What Do You Know?

by Bert Oliva

We are living in dangerous times—the time of the expert. Everyone with the ability to Google and copy and paste has the ability to sound like an expert online. And though there are many actual experts out there, a lot of their messages are being drowned out by the pseudo experts. The ones who know how to make themselves sound like they are the real deal, but whose actions don’t back up their words. The ones who spout beautiful words and yet never quite deliver on their promises.

Please, don’t misunderstand me. The free flowing of information in our modern world has incited a beautiful revolution of unique thought and growth, but it must also incite discernment. Anyone can appear to be anyone they want to, so be careful with whom you choose to invest your time and other resources. Be thorough and do not jump to rash decisions.

Don’t take anyone at face value. Research those people who you choose to associate with. Do your due diligence. Any expert who has truly earned the classification will have documentable experience, results, and testimonials to support their title. Trust me, you will be grateful for this extra step of research in the long run.

Live Life,

Bert Oliva