
Bert Oliva

What Makes You Original?

by Bert Oliva

I have an empowerment community on Glide, a video texting app. Each day I ask a question of the day. Yesterday’s question was, “What makes you original?” Each member of the group had a very different reaction to the question and subsequently a very different answer. Some were very quick to answer and knew exactly what made them original. Others took their time and answered with still a question in their voice. Still others ignored the question entirely.

I found the reactions to the question even more interesting than the answers. So often we take so much time worrying about others, thinking about others, doing for others, that we don’t take the time to contemplate ourselves, our goals, our desires, etc. We run, run, run, till finally we collapse out of exhaustion and then numb our minds by watching TV and never take even a millisecond for ourselves.

You are important. You matter. And I can almost guarantee that you are not taking the time you need for yourself. And even if you are taking the time, you may not be spending it in a productive self-growth kind of way. Television and movies are great distractions, but in my opinion they should be the exception, not the norm. Try spending some more time journaling, reading, walking, thinking, etc. You have amazing talents and amazing gifts within you that the world deserves and needs to see. Don’t rob all of us from experiencing the true you.

So, this week, I challenge you. I challenge you to carve out some time for yourself each and every day. It doesn’t have to be a long time. Perhaps just 2 or 3 minutes. Take this time for you. Get a journal and write a little. Have a short conversation with yourself. Ask yourself how you are? What are you up to? Are you happy? Get to know yourself again. I promise you, you will be surprised at the answers that come to you. It is possible that not all the answers will be pleasant, but you will have clarity. And clarity is power. You will know exactly where you stand with yourself and what you have to work on.

Remember, you are the most important person in your life. Until you know yourself and love yourself, you can never truly know or love another.

Live Life,
Bert Oliva

For more information on the BOWA Glide Community, download the Glide app from the Apple App Store or the Android Play Store and search for the Glide ID BertOliva and LFPALXR.



  1. Dennis Landeta  April 7, 2015

    This is awesome stuff!!! Thanks for this self-motivational challenge Bert!