
Bert Oliva

Are You Right-Handed?

by Bert Oliva

So I find myself in the hospital right now. I have an infection that we thankfully found early enough and from which I will make a full recovery. The frustrating thing is the timing of the whole thing. In less than a week my team and I will be in Belize starting a tour to visit most of the country and empower thousands of children and adults there. Needless to say, there’s a lot of prep work that we were right in the middle of when this medical crisis hit.

At first, I was in so much pain that I could barely see straight. Though once the antibiotics began to kick in, I found myself feeling stir crazy and annoyed with the situation. I should be at the office finalizing PowerPoints. I should be going over camera shot lists with the film crew. I should…

Thankfully, my team, especially Alexa, my right-hand person, stepped up. Alexa brought the PowerPoints to the hospital and helped me finalize them during my better moments. She also coordinated with the rest of the team to make sure everything else stayed on schedule and no one dropped the ball. And she even made sure my family was taken care while I was out as well.

This experience made me realize how important it is to have people in your life you can count on. People who will step in and step up when you’re unable to do so. It also made me realize just how important it is for each of us to be that person for our loved ones in their times of need as well.

Remember, you get what you give. Go out and be that right-hand person to someone else today. Do it with a smile and with no expectation of something in return, not even acknowledgement. The gift should just be the deep contentment that comes from helping out a fellow human being.

Live Life,
Bert Oliva

Quote This:

“You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you.” ― John Bunyan



  1. Victoria Forbes  April 28, 2015

    I wish you all the best to a speedy recovery. I know you are a strong person and will overcome whatever obstacle comes your way from coming on your tour.

    I look forwarding to see you and you team on your tour in Belize. It is an inspiration to me and I know to others as well.

    It is always a wonderful thing to have great people in your lives and be a right hand to someone that is in need. I am right handed!

    I can’t leave without saying I love the quote by John Bunyan.

  2. Amy McKuhen  April 28, 2015

    Oh mine, Bert, I’m sorry for the ongoing. God has ways of speaking to us, whether directly or indirectly – He alone knows when we should slow down a bit and have time for ourselves, perhaps to reassess our life a bit and do some housecleaning of whatever is in our life that doesn’t glorify our creator, our Heavenly Father!

    Please, let me know in what way(s) I could be of help. My daily walk is doing for others, the desires of my heart, to serve Him as I serve others, for that is His command onto each of us – “do onto others”. I do have an army of personal followers that don’t allow me to want for anything. This goes just as well, be I here or in Israel or elsewhere, their faithfulness doesn’t deviate in any sense.

    Again, regrets for what you might find “untimely”, nothing is by coincidence, there is a path for each of us – a perfect path, drawn from whence we were in our mother’s wombs. Be in “the joy of the Lord,” – regardless. James 1:2-4. Love you, my dear Brother in Christ. Don’t hesitate to get in touch if you need me – from the innermost of my heart, Bert! My love also to Alexa and the rest of your dear staff. In His Love, Joy and Peace – amy