
Bert Oliva


by Bert Oliva

Try something right now. Stand up and take at least ten steps backwards. Walk backwards to the next room or to get yourself a cup of coffee or glass of water.

How did that exercise make you feel? Was it easy? Did you trip or stumble? Was it strange not being able to see everything till after you passed it?

There is a reason our eyes are on the front of our faces and our knees bend forward. We are meant to walk forward in our world, eyes wide open, experiencing everything in the present moment.

So why do so many of us spend our days looking backward? We’re so stuck on something someone did to us or a mistake that we made or even just a circumstance that happened that we keep looking back. We keep harping on the past and putting our energy towards it. So much so that we are barely looking ahead of us. We aren’t enjoying the present moment, and we aren’t even thinking about the immediate future.

There’s a time and a place to look back at the past. It is good to learn from our past experiences, to remember good memories, etc., but when we are constantly living in the past rather than the present, we aren’t really living. We are simply reacting.

Let go of what is anchoring you to look backward. Allow yourself to look forward. Plan for your future. And most importantly, enjoy the present.

Live Life,
Bert Oliva

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