
Bert Oliva


by Bert Oliva

What does it takes to be truly honest with ourselves? Now this is an interesting topic…

Some people lie to themselves to the point that they start believing their own lies. And for some, their lies even become reality.

Why do people lie to themselves? One of the main reasons people do this is because they don’t want to hurt those that they love. However, by the time they realize it, not only did they hurt the people they love but they themselves are also hurt. Another main reason is trying to please the world. No matter what, in the end, the world will never be pleased and the people who try to please it will not be happy.

To be honest with oneself is not an easy thing to do. Most people don’t know what they want or let alone who they are. If you are one of these people, it’s not too late. Today you can start to live your life being honest.


Stop: lying to yourself and others

Look: at your life right now and choose to change

Listen: to your heart and you will succeed!

Live Life,
Bert Oliva