The BOWA Blog

Do You Feel Lucky?
Bert Oliva

Do You Feel Lucky?

by Bert Oliva

Do you know how lucky you are? Do you even have a clue?

So much of the time we walk around in a stupor of bills, work projects, family obligations, and all the other things that make up the everyday doings of our day-to-day lives, that we miss the magic that we are living. We get so busy with “living” that we forget to live. We let our lives “live us” instead of living life.

We take our existence for granted. Many of us don’t even think about it. The different circumstances that had to come together for you to come into existence are staggering:

o Odds of your parents meeting: 1 in 20,000.
o Odds of your parents forming a relationship that led to pregnancy: 1 in 2,000.
o Odds of the right sperm meeting the right egg: 1 in 400 quadrillion (that’s one thousand million million).
o Odds of every single ancestor of yours meeting and reproducing successfully: 1 in 1045,000 (for a comparison, the number of atoms in the known universe is currently estimated at just 1080).
o Odds of every single ancestor producing the exact people they did: 102,640,000 (when you put this into Google’s calculator, it literally says “infinity”).1

Everything came together just right for you to be here. Every one of us is a walking miracle.

So let’s stop feeling sorry for ourselves and thinking we’re so unlucky shall we? Let’s stop worrying about the petty things in life and just realize this one immutable fact: we are all incredibly lucky to be here. To be breathing. To have the chance to affect the world with our presence.

We have each been given an opportunity to make our mark on this world. We can choose whether to take it and whether to leave a positive or negative mark, but we have the choice because an infinite number of things came together just right for us to be here.

Don’t waste your opportunity. Take the time to appreciate it. Realize the magic that you are carrying within yourself. The beauty you have to share with the world. Your time is limited here. Make the most of it.

There are times when this is easier said than done, I know. I’m human too, with children and responsibilities. And there are definitely days when I don’t feel as lucky to be here. But when I find that feeling creeping in, I take a moment. I stop and breathe. I start to think about every little event that happened to bring me into existence.

I’m a walking miracle. And so are you.

Live Life, Don’t Let Life Live You.
Bert Oliva

1Binazir, Ali. What are the chances of your coming into being?

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Bert Oliva


by Bert Oliva

Patience is a funny word. It is easy to tell someone to have patience, especially if you are the one making them wait, but it is a lot harder to actually practice it. I don’t know about you, but when people tell me “Have patience,” my initial reaction is always frustration. It is usually a split second subconscious reaction and then I’m able to get it under control with my rational mind, but for that split second, I’m truly irritated.

Why is it that we get frustrated when someone tells us to have patience? Perhaps it’s partially because of our instant gratification society and having everything at the tap of a cell phone screen. Don’t get me wrong. I love technology. In fact, I probably own just about every gizmo you can imagine. But sometimes I think that technology has caused us to become more disconnected and certainly less patient.

There’s something to be said about patience. There’s something to be said about waiting and taking our time to get the things we want. When we wait, we are able to truly mull over the positives and negatives about the thing or things we are waiting for. We are able to truly decide if we want it and if we will use it when we finally get it.

I don’t know about you, but I certainly have a few “impulse buys” that are sitting around collecting dust. But those items that I took the time to research and save up for, even those I bought years ago, I still use and cherish.

The same goes for decisions and commitments we make in our lives. For instance, if you decide you want to lose and weight and just say, “I’m going to lose 10 pounds this week,” there’s not a big chance you’re actually going to stick to it. And worse, you will even discourage yourself for the next time you want to try to lose weight. However, if you take the time to truly weigh the decision, envision what you want, and make a plan of how you’re going to achieve it, you are much more likely to stick with the decision and achieve your goals.

So, let’s stop making “impulse commitments” with ourselves. Instead, let’s have patience and make educated decisions and choices. There is absolute truth to the adage, “Slow and steady wins the race.” So, take your time. I know you will Make It Happen!

Live Life,
Bert Oliva

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Bert Oliva

You Are…

by Bert Oliva

When you get up in the morning and look in the mirror, what do you see?

Do you see bags under your eyes? Lines around your lips? Extra weight in your cheeks?

Or do you see bright eyes? A crisp smile? Laughter in your cheeks?

You are beautiful. Yes, you. Just the way you are. You are an amazing human being with tremendous potential.

You have a gorgeous spirit that is aching to come out at full force and affect the world around you in ways you can not imagine possible.

You have talents that need honing. Thoughts that need sharing. Laughter that needs expressing.

You are absolutely, positively perfect, just the way you are.

Sure, you have improvements that you want to make on yourself. Some physical, some mental. Some work-related, some personal.

However, everything that you need to make those improvements is already within you.

You have all the answers that you are seeking. You simply have to start listening to yourself.

Get to know yourself. Love yourself. And share yourself.

You are greatest gift you can ever give to the world. You are amazing.

Live Life,
Bert Oliva

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Bert Oliva

Don’t Spit Up

by Bert Oliva

This weekend, I took my family boating in the Florida Keys. The sun was shining and it was a gorgeous day. The water was a little choppy but not too bad. I got behind the helm and headed to the turquoise blue waters of the shallow sand bar a ways off the shore. When we got there, one of my passengers had turned green. She was terribly seasick.

As I helped her get a life vest on to get herself into the water and find her equilibrium, I jokingly said, “So you don’t have your sea legs huh?” I even filmed her and joked about it. It was all in good fun and she was a good sport though she was so ill.

Soon after, I got in the water to swim for a bit myself. When I got out and back on the boat, my world start spinning and my stomach started doing flip flops. I could not stop it if I tried. It took all my concentration not to lose my lunch. I felt helpless and dizzy. After all the years of me driving boats, I had my first experience with seasickness myself.

This story is a prime example of a phrase I use often: “Don’t Spit Up.” It means not to say something that may come back at you later. I definitely “spit up” when I toyed with my loved one over her pain. I didn’t do anything really hurtful or mean. Our relationship has always been one of jokes, but I personally had never experience seasickness before. I did not realize just how intense it can be and how quickly it can overtake you.

I truly try my best not to rush to judgment of others (though I do slip up from time to time), because you really can’t make a call on someone else’s situation. You really can not know what another person is feeling or experiencing, until you walk a mile in their shoes yourself. So, it’s best not to make a quick judgment call unless you have all the facts. I’m not saying you need to always have first hand experience in order to empathize with another person, but whenever possible, you should at least take the time to imagine yourself in their place. Imagine what they are feeling and thinking. And, whenever possible, simply ask them.

When you rush to judgment, you run a greater risk of “spitting up.” And remember, what goes up, has to come down, and it may just come back down on you.

Live Life,
Bert Oliva

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Bert Oliva

Inspire Me!

by Bert Oliva

Inspiration … what comes to mind when you think of the word? For many, it seems like “inspiration” is a faraway achievement. That it comes rarely. That it’s something we can’t easily grasp.

I know so many people who say, “I want to do X but I don’t have any inspiration …” “I’ll do it as soon as inspiration hits …” “I need to be inspired …”

Want to know the secret of inspiration? For the most part, it doesn’t just “come.” You have to train yourself to be inspired. You have to create a habit.

For instance, if you’re a writer and you only write when inspiration strikes you, you will soon find that you do not write all that often. However, if you create a habit—say you sit at your computer every day from 10am to 11am and write whatever comes to mind for an hour—you’ll soon find that inspiration comes to you sooner and sooner during that time. This is because you are conditioning yourself for inspiration. You are making inspiration a habit.

This is true with just about any task. In fact, I use this personally with my Motivational Moments. There are days where I record them when inspiration strikes, but regardless, I have an alarm set on my phone that goes off at 9pm that reminds me to record. So every day just about 9pm, I will record if I haven’t already. I must admit, there are days when inspiration takes awhile to come, but because I’ve created a habit, I usually find a topic fairly quickly.

So, stop putting off your tasks till inspiration strikes. It’s not going to. Especially because you are procrastinating it. Just set aside some time for yourself today and do it. And do the same tomorrow and the next day. At first it will feel like you’re pulling teeth, but before you know it, you will find the inspiration you need as soon as you set your mind to it.

When you are first creating a habit like this, try to keep it same time and in the same place. Though this sounds a little “un-inspirational” it will help with the habit creation subconsciously. And because it takes 21 days to change or create a habit, make sure to do it EVERY day for 21 days—that includes weekends and holidays.

You have greatness inside of you. Condition yourself to find it!

Live Life,
Bert Oliva

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Bert Oliva

Recipe For Disaster

by Bert Oliva

We humans are such funny creatures. We spend so much time learning how to do things the right way and then often once we learn the right way, we decide to start skipping steps to improve the process, until everything is an utter mess again.

Why do we do this? If we were to apply this line of thinking to other things besides ourselves, we’d have a whole lot of failure.

For instance, when my daughter first learned to bake a cake, she forgot the sugar. The next time, she added the sugar, but accidentally added more salt. It took her three tries until she finally got the recipe just right. What if she had decided to start taking things away once she had perfected it? Like an egg? And then maybe some oil? Before she’d know it, she’d end up with a mix of I don’t know what, but it certainly wouldn’t be a cake.

The same applies to us. Once you find a “recipe” that works for you, don’t alter it. If you are able to work out in the mornings three times a week, why would you start working out at night? If getting your nails done makes you feel better about yourself, why would you stop making time for it? If having lunch with your closest friend every other week made you happy, why would you start scheduling other things during that time?

Life isn’t static by any means. It changes constantly. In fact, the only thing constant about life is change. However, for the most part, our little life “recipes” can be altered gradually to fit in with life’s changes. For instance, if your new job requires you to be at work earlier, get up even earlier so you can still make the gym. If your budget got a little tighter because you had to get your son braces, then learn how to do your nails at home. If your schedule has shifted and you can’t meet with your friend for lunch, try doing dinner.

Gradual changes are the only way to keep being successful. Drastically changing your recipes will set you up for failure and you will give up altogether. Set yourself up for even greater success by being as consistent as possible with your personal recipes. And when life’s changes pop up, face them with an open mind. Oftentimes the slight changes we make to our recipes reenergize ourselves and make us even more committed to our goals.

Live Life,
Bert Oliva

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Bert Oliva

It’s Not My Fault!

by Bert Oliva

“It’s not my fault!” “But you said…” “I didn’t mean to…” How often have you found yourself saying these things? I had a coaching student who started saying these things all the time. She’d reach out to help people and then would react badly when anyone had anything remotely critical to say.

She made her herself out to be a martyr. Made it so she was doing everything for other people and was not in control of anything. So then nothing was ever her fault and she would constantly blame others. She would act out and pick fights with the people whom she felt were “forcing” her to do things.

The worst thing about this situation was that she was not aware she was doing it. She kept getting into fights with those around her and she wasn’t sure why. She wasn’t able to see the pattern she had put herself in.

I asked her to journal. To start journaling daily. Soon after she told me she had figured it out. Looking at her journal entries, she was able to see the pattern of her being a martyr. Of her silently resenting those around her for things she actually volunteered to do. She began to see her refusal to accept responsibility for her actions.

So, what exactly is the problem with not taking responsibility? Isn’t it much easier to walk through life thinking nothing is your fault? Isn’t it better? No. Because subconsciously speaking, when we don’t take responsibility but instead make excuses for everything, then nothing is in our control. The reason we don’t have the life we want is because of someone else. The reason we made that mistake is because of something else. Etc. Etc. When we have excuses for everything, we have no reason to grow and push ourselves because we can’t change anything ourselves. We are stuck in a never ending cycle of mediocre that we have no way of getting out of.

I’m not saying to go to the extreme and say everything is your fault. But for the most part, everything that happens to you, is at least partially a result of your choices. You even have choices regarding those things that happen that are truly outside of your realm of influence—because you can choose how you react to them. You are able to be in full control of your thoughts and actions. You just have to work on it.

If you are on the journey of self growth, consciously working on accepting responsibility for your choices and actions and what happens to you is an important task to take on. This will by no means be an easy task that you learn instantaneously. It will be a learning process. But it is a process that is utterly worthwhile.

Live Life,
Bert Oliva

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