The BOWA Blog

Bert Oliva

Coach Potatoes BEWARE!

by Bert Oliva

I heard a phrase one time that truly made sense to me and I think it will to you as well, “laziness stops progress.” However progress may not be the only thing that can be affected by pure laziness, other deferments in coping with the lack of results in your life such as stress, guilt or even crisis to name some.

Some degree of laziness or procrastination is healthy but like everything, anything in excess is anything but healthy. Of course laziness comes in different levels, the most common types are: Relaxed & Inferior Laziness. The Relaxed Person is the one that avoids responsibility and seeks out the fun first in their lives. They reward themselves before they even get anything done at work. The Tense Person is the unrealistic person. They lack focus and can drag on a task over and over and over again. They usually feel overwhelmed and avoid or withdraw from friends or any type of social life.

Other types of procrastinators are: Perfectionist, The Crisis-Maker, The Dreamer, The Defyer, The Worrier and The Over-Doer.

What shall we do to overcome these internal battles? Well for one, TAKE ACTION! Don’t think about it, just get up and start one little bite (break it down in to small tasks if it is a large project) of what needs to get done. Remove any distractions, shut off TV, lock the door and stay focused. If you lack some of the motivation to get it done you might want to ask for help to get you going or take a picture of an item to help you see the result you are looking for. Preplan the reward you want when you finish this task, like a movie, a glass of wine or whatever you would like it to be. Another thing you can do is go for a small walk by yourself and think of the benefits.

Try not to focus too much on the negative aspects of completing this project or task. Focus on visualizing yourself with the task completed; you can use positive affirmations to help focus. Every time you overcome your laziness you get stronger. Every time you choose to act, you increase your ability to win, achieve goals and improve your life!

Until next time.



“Don’t think about it, just get up and start one little bite of what needs to get done.” – Bert Oliva

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Bert Oliva

A Family Affair

by Bert Oliva

For several years now I have been friends with a very special family, the Bretoneche’s. They are special because I have never met such a tight family that all live for one dream. Their dream is to make their Nathalie a SUPERSTAR; she will be the next Shakira.

Her father Julio told me that he would do anything in the world, including sell his assets to make sure she makes it to the top. What dedication. Also, her twin sister is the choreographer and her older sister is the manager.

They have worked so hard to make sure she gets her album done and record launched this Wednesday. This family has had this goal, this dream turn into a reality. Pushing, crying, fighting and loving it into their lives. This is how you make your dreams come true, it is never easy but when you focus, you can make your dreams a reality. To make sure she does not get lost along the way her family contracted me, to coach her and guide her to make sure that fame, fortune and friends do not hinder her growth and keep her two feet tightly grounded.

I wanted to share this story with you because I wish for all of you out there that have a dream or a big goal in your lives, make sure to explain it in detail to your family and have them support you. I want you to push, push some more and when you think you cannot push any more, push harder.

Until next time.



“You can always give in, you can always give out, but don’t ever give up.” – Bert Oliva

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Bert Oliva

Get It Done

by Bert Oliva

Let’s talk about restriction. Restriction creates confinement, it regulates your life and constricts growth. I have always hated to feel like someone or something is holding me back from a goal or something I want or need in my life. When you create restriction in your life you can hinder wealth, relationships and even create fear.

One thing I learned early in life was to challenge anything that got in my way for what I thought was the right thing to do. If I was scared of someone in school I faced up to him, or if I was not sure of a deal I was making I researched until I knew exactly what I was doing. I always face the challenges; sometimes even enjoy them because I know the reward is worth it.

You can eliminate restrictions in your life very easily. But it all starts in your mind and in your heart. You have to believe that you can do it from the bottom of your heart, you have to focus all your energy to get the job done and lastly you have to make a move, take action. You have to BREAKTHROUGH and do it. You just need to jump in sometimes and the rest will come to you.

Good luck and tell me about your experiences and how you broke through. I would love to hear about them.

Until next time.

“I always face the challenges; sometimes even enjoy them because I know the reward is worth it.” – Bert  Oliva
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Bert Oliva


by Bert Oliva

I want you to dream. But not just to dream; dream big. Limitations are the ones we create. So stop creating excuses to stop dreaming. My mother used to always ask me what I wanted to do when I grew up. And no matter what I told her she would tell me, “Son I know you can do it.”

My mother never told me no. And I know that this is part of my success in life. Never give up. I was fortunate to have a mother like that and I never took it for granted. I tell you this because I only want to be as clear and honest as possible.

I’m not your mother or father but I am telling you: Dream and make it big. You can do anything you want in your life. You just have to believe. I believe in you.

I really don’t care how crazy you think your dream is. I know you can do it. I’m on your side.

1) Start now and if you have already started don’t stop.

2) Write down your dream and place it everywhere you can see it.

3) Let everyone you come in contact with know what your dream is.

Follow these tools and you will be surprised how you will find others that will help you achieve your dream. And I am one of them.

Live Life,
Bert Oliva

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Alexa Oliva


by Alexa Oliva

When I am being tested by life, which I think is always, is when I think my faith grows stronger.
When I am being tested by my family is when my heart grows stronger.
When I am being tested by my husband is when I learn to grow my patience stronger.
When I am being tested by work is when I work harder.
When I am being tested by circumstance is when opportunities are much clearer.
When I am being tested by my children is when I become a better mother.
When I am being tested by friends is when I learn to be in someone’s shoes.
When I am being tested by love is when I know I am closer to God.

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Eric Munter


by Eric Munter

I burnt my pizza. This is not some sort of strange euphemism or wacky saying. I literally burnt my pizza. My weekly Sunday night dinner tradition is making pizza. I’ve done it so many times, I have this down to a science – or so I thought.

Today I decided to get creative when I was shopping for the ingredients at the grocery store. I switched up the sauce and got a finer shredded mozzarella cheese. I literally changed the recipe for making my successful pizza. And low and behold, my pizza came out burnt.

The lesson I take away from this annoying experience is, while it is good to experiment from time to time in order to try and improve upon something, don’t be upset when the results don’t turn out favorably. Just be sure you learn from what you did so that you don’t repeat the same mistakes again – and next week I will NOT be changing up my recipe.

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Val Leichtman


by Val Leichtman

I bang the hammer down, jamming the nail through the wood at an odd angle, cracking the broken box more. I squeeze glue into the crack and push the pieces of wood together. The hinges on the top creak with my effort and begin to bend. Sweat pours down my face as I look at my work. What was once a box with a small hole in it, is now a monstrosity fit only for a modern art exhibit. 

I am a fixer. I don’t like things to be “broken” around me. That includes people and situations. If I see anything that even remotely resembles a problem, I will stick my nose in and do my best to try to resolve it; at times, creating ugly, modern sculptures out of perfectly usable boxes in the process.

I’m not exactly sure why I like to “fix” everything around me, but I can tell you where I think the desire came from. It came from my childhood, which was your typical atypical upbringing. I had very little control over a lot of what I went through, so I started controlling what I could around me: my grades, keeping my room neat, spending time with my little brother in imaginary worlds whenever I could. Things were not the way the adults around me wanted them to be and there was very little I could do to bring any of them happiness, though I tried on a daily basis.

I’m fairly certain my adult need to “fix” things and keep everyone important to me happy comes from this innate desire to keep the peace. And probably an underlying desire to get some recognition that I belong where I am, and more importantly, that I’m wanted here.

The problem is that this is a child’s dream. Not everyone will be happy all of the time. More importantly, it is not my job to take care of everyone else, especially when I’m not asked to do it. My job is to work on the holes in my own box first, so that one day, I’ll be ready to hold someone else’s box contents, when they ask for help.

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