The BOWA Blog

Bert Oliva

Driving Force

by Bert Oliva

Two of the most powerful human emotions are FEAR & LOVE. Do you know what drives you? Have you ever been driven by anything so hard it dictates your choices, your outcomes or even your breath?

Lets take a look at FEAR. It can be debilitating, it can consume you and it can hinder any logical sense in your mind. It can stress us out and even create physical symptoms. It can ruin relationships and scar you for life.

So how do we get a grip on it? Maybe focusing on love, or the things you love or loving the lessons you are learning, from whichever difficult task you are on. There are so many ways you can practice love in your life. Take a moment if you feel stressed from an activity, and love the lesson that this difficulty is teaching you. There is always something to love about your surroundings it’s your choice to be open to it.

When you LOVE you help bring humanity to those around you. You cannot get worked up by learning to be inspired by the mistakes and challenges others experience. Love can bring healing to a wounded heart; love brings life.

Find out how your emotions work within you, recognize it and see how your emotions influence your choices.

Until next time.


“A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge.” – Thomas Carlyle

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Bert Oliva


by Bert Oliva

A little courtesy never hurt anyone. However when you lack a little, it could.

Men: How often do you hold the door open for a lady or give your seat up? Did you know you should stand when a lady enters a room and only sit when she sits?

Women: Do you stand in front of the door waiting for a man to let you in? Or are you the one that rushes in?

Taking the last piece of cake, not cleaning up after ourselves, etc. gets old fast. Being courteous means putting yourself in the other person’s shoes instead of thinking of you first.

It means doing something without being asked and this is not a one-time event. We all think we are courteous to some extent but it takes practice. Bad habits do not get better unless you are aware of them. Once you pick up bad habits and behaviors, especially from watching and learning from other people, they become normal. Habits turn into behaviors, which turn into characteristics, which define YOU.

Don’t forget THANK YOU! It only takes a brief moment but can have an important significance for the person receiving the token of appreciation. It shows you appreciate and value the other person’s efforts.

Some other tips on this that you can practice RIGHT NOW are:

1) Try to remember someone’s name. Repeat it a couple of times. Everyone hates when someone mispronounces his or her name.

2) Talk and respond in full sentences.

3) No truck driver language around people you don’t know. Especially when kids could be around.

4) Don’t monopolize the conversation. Conversation hogs, it’s not all about you.

5) Be sensitive to others timeliness. If they are looking at their watch, it might be time to wrap it up.

6) If you borrow something from someone try to ask him or her first. If absolutely necessary leave a note and an apology for using it without their consent.

7) Respect the opinions of others, even if you do not agree.

These are just some of many reflections of our own attitudes that can be improved and worked on consistently throughout our daily lives. Be it as you may, every little bit of practice can be embraced to help our world be just a little bit more enjoyable and pleasant.

Until next time.

 “Habits turn into behaviors, which turn into characteristics, which define YOU.” – Bert Oliva 

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Bert Oliva

Push Yourself

by Bert Oliva

How many times are you missing out on an opportunity because you did not want to push yourself just a little more?

Do you catch yourself making excuses on why you do not meet new people?

How about just saying “I need to sleep in on Saturday just a little more”.

How many times do you need to be reminded that you need to G.O.Y.A. (Get Off Your Assets)?

Does your business need leads, referrals, or prospects? Could your life do with some more REAL friends and people who think like you?

Then there is no excuse, get on the phone ask some friends or colleagues what is happening this weekend and find a great way to learn and meet new friends and clients. There is a surprising amount of social groups in your community that range from every hobby or interest you can think of. And if in any case you do not find a fitting group, make your own! Get out there and push yourself to go to the next level!

Until next time.


“What you resist, persists.” – Bert Oliva

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Bert Oliva

Let It Go

by Bert Oliva

For some time now I have noticed that people have a way of holding on to things that can be let go of, to move their lives ahead. Trauma, drama and negative events do not have to rule your life. Ever.

You have the choice to fill your mind with positive things, thoughts and actions. When you limit yourself to reminding yourself about circumstances in your life that can be set aside, you limit your growth.

Reminders are okay but consumption or constant reminders, is what I am talking about. A great way to do this is to write down the things that drag you down and get the complete thoughts on paper and what you can do to resolve it. If you cannot then it is time to let it go. Now this may be easier said then done, however when you take the first steps to moving on it slowly becomes easier to let go. Sometimes it is a tall staircase and as always you must begin one step at a time.

Another great technique is to set a positive goal so that can consume your thoughts. For example, plan for that next vacation and think about all the experiences and details you can.

Until next time.


“Sometimes it is a tall staircase and as always you must begin one step at a time.” – Bert Oliva

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Bert Oliva

Pick One

by Bert Oliva

One small change you make everyday can make a big difference in the long run. Are you willing to commit to yourself to a small change today?

If you attempt to make a big change half way through, obstacles can deter you.

Here are some small things that you can start with to make a change in your life:

1) Take a different route to work.
2) Get up earlier than normal, even if it is only 15 min.
3) Get up on the opposite side of the bed.
4) Eat something you would never eat.
5) Walk your children to school.
6) Wear your hair different.
7) Read a book on something you would never read.

I recommend you do this, of course, for 21 days. Afterwards try something a little harder. You can train yourself to accept change in your life. Eventually you can train yourself on the life changes in life. The only thing constant in life is, yes, change.

Until next time.


“One small change can change your life.” – Bert Oliva

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Edging Greatness Out

by BOWAworld

Ego. That’s a big word that gets thrown around a lot, often with negative connotations. What exactly is Ego though? According to Freud, it is one of the three aspects of the human psyche: the id, superego, and ego. If you look up this idea, there are a lot of papers and articles with large, confusing words in them. Here’s one of the simplest, yet still accurate, explanations, we’ve ever run across at BOWAworld (thank you ardwizz at Yahoo answers):

Id = Your base animal instincts. The desire to have all your needs (food, sex, power) filled. Personal survival. The cartoon devil sitting on the left shoulder.

Super Ego = Reason, compassion, and conscience. The desire to do the “right thing.” Species survival. The cartoon angel sitting on the right shoulder.

Ego = The personality in the middle that decides which voice to listen to.

So Ego is the referee between our base instincts and our moral ideal. Ego is also our personality and how we see ourselves. However, because Ego is doing this balancing act between the proverbial cartoon devil and cartoon angel on our shoulder, it can sometimes get out of balance. Too much Ego results in being perceived as full of yourself or conceited, while too little Ego results in being perceived as having low self-esteem. Neither extreme is pleasant. Either way, you end up Edging Your Greatness out of your life.

As with everything we teach, balance is key when it comes to Ego. The easiest way to stay balanced is to “Check Yourself” regularly. Question your motives, listen to your inner critic and figure out whether the voice is leaning towards the negative or positive and correct it back to a more neutral opinion. Ego is not something that any of us can keep fully balanced all the time, but if you stay on top of it, you can keep it from spinning out of control, in either direction.

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Bert Oliva

Professional Who?

by Bert Oliva

Do you ever wonder what happened to the professional people?

Here are some characteristics of a TRUE PROFESSIONAL:

1) They call people back no matter what, even if it is to tell them they are not interested.
2) They keep neat and organized work environments.
3) They are conscious of time for themselves as well as others.
4) They produce results, not make excuses.
5) They do their homework or necessary research.
6) They turn in their projects or reports ON TIME.
7) They are self-driven.
8) They dress appropriately.
9) They are courteous and responsive to co-workers and clients.
10) They are reliable, responsible and competent.
11) They focus on the end result, FOCUS being the key word.

Professional people are the ones that succeed in life, whatever their industry is. Where do you honestly rate? Most people lie to themselves about these things but expect GREAT results in their lives. What you put out in life is exactly what you get back, no exceptions. Live to your true potential and reap the rewards.

Until next time.


“Professional people are the ones that succeed in life, whatever their industry is. ” – Bert Oliva

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