
Bert Oliva

Let It Go

by Bert Oliva

For some time now I have noticed that people have a way of holding on to things that can be let go of, to move their lives ahead. Trauma, drama and negative events do not have to rule your life. Ever.

You have the choice to fill your mind with positive things, thoughts and actions. When you limit yourself to reminding yourself about circumstances in your life that can be set aside, you limit your growth.

Reminders are okay but consumption or constant reminders, is what I am talking about. A great way to do this is to write down the things that drag you down and get the complete thoughts on paper and what you can do to resolve it. If you cannot then it is time to let it go. Now this may be easier said then done, however when you take the first steps to moving on it slowly becomes easier to let go. Sometimes it is a tall staircase and as always you must begin one step at a time.

Another great technique is to set a positive goal so that can consume your thoughts. For example, plan for that next vacation and think about all the experiences and details you can.

Until next time.


“Sometimes it is a tall staircase and as always you must begin one step at a time.” – Bert Oliva