
Bert Oliva

Professional Who?

by Bert Oliva

Do you ever wonder what happened to the professional people?

Here are some characteristics of a TRUE PROFESSIONAL:

1) They call people back no matter what, even if it is to tell them they are not interested.
2) They keep neat and organized work environments.
3) They are conscious of time for themselves as well as others.
4) They produce results, not make excuses.
5) They do their homework or necessary research.
6) They turn in their projects or reports ON TIME.
7) They are self-driven.
8) They dress appropriately.
9) They are courteous and responsive to co-workers and clients.
10) They are reliable, responsible and competent.
11) They focus on the end result, FOCUS being the key word.

Professional people are the ones that succeed in life, whatever their industry is. Where do you honestly rate? Most people lie to themselves about these things but expect GREAT results in their lives. What you put out in life is exactly what you get back, no exceptions. Live to your true potential and reap the rewards.

Until next time.


“Professional people are the ones that succeed in life, whatever their industry is. ” – Bert Oliva



  1. Ely  October 8, 2013

    This just give validation to my upbringing… people, you know who you are, take control of your children and teach them well, as well as you would yourself. They need a role model in you, not whomever the may see on TV. Keep your stature tall, remember the watch you better than you watch them. I will do whatever it takes for my children to be professionals, not necessarily a rocket scientist… 🙂

