
Bert Oliva

Commit Or Do Not Commit, The Choice Is Up To You!

by Bert Oliva

Have the days of professionalism and courtesy passed us by? I wonder sometimes, if people forget that when they RSVP or commit to something it is common courtesy that they show up unless there has been a real emergency. If you make a commitment you should follow through.

Have you ever stopped to think how you can hinder the outcome for those you affect from your lack of courtesy or commitment? I always talk about trying something out in my seminars. TRY; there is a word that people use lightly. In Yoda language (Star Wars ancient Jedi master) “try is not, there is only DO!”

The definition of try is: conscious exertion of power or hard work. Try is a force of action, not a force of maybe.

How many of you really make an effort when you promise you will try to make it to the next meeting or get together? Let me ask you something when you include someone in your plans does it feel good when they let you down? Then you must make a conscious effort to be honest with people when you commit to someone. It has to start somewhere; it should start with you! So remember, be considerate, because you know that you deserve that same consideration.

Until next time.



“We have committed the golden rule to memory; let us now commit it to life.” –  Edwin Markham