
Bert Oliva

Facing The Unknown

by Bert Oliva

Do you go into situations with a positive outlook or a negative one? How you approach the different situations that arise in your life can make a difference in which outcome you generally get.

Have you ever heard of those people that consistently get crappy results for all their efforts in life? They are not really living life; they are just in “automatic pilot” mode. They will continue to get those unwanted results until they realize that they have the power to control most outcomes in their lives.

I have met people that have lost children, took their mourning time and continued to live life. Keeping their memory alive, but not letting them take their lives down or spin out of control.

This is your choice; do I continue to make the rest of my life the best it can be or do I live in misery? I have met MANY people that choose to live in misery without facing such dramatic things in their lives. My recommendations are that if you CHOOSE to stay positive and keep looking forward in every situation you come across in your daily grind, then you can live the life you want.

Make the best of everything that comes your way. If it stinks, look for the lesson in the event. Every experience you have in life is a lesson to be learned. You have the choice to find the lesson or just complain about the result you did not want in your life. IT’S YOUR CHOICE.

Until next time.



“We choose our joys and sorrows long before we experience them.” – Kahlil Gibran