
Eric Munter


by Eric Munter

It’s been said that playing the position of goalie in the game of hockey is 10% physical, 90% mental. While I’m not sold on the idea of ascribing static percentages to such things, I do agree that success at the position is largely built around mental soundness.
The ability to focus is such an integral part to the goaltender’s position. You must drown out all other thoughts, noises and miscellaneous distractions and pay sole attention to the 1 by 3 inch, 6 ounce rubber disc. Take your attention away from the puck for just a split second, and it can end up in the back of the net.
In life outside of the rink, the puck represents the task at hand. No matter what task you seek to accomplish, you must pay attention. Give the task your undivided focus in order to complete it to the best of your ability. When you let your attention slip, or allow multiple other tasks which need to be completed slip into your mind, you’ll let “a goal in” – A.K.A. you’ll lose focus and not complete the task to the fullest of your ability.