
Bert Oliva


by Bert Oliva

Why is it that the more successful you become, the more violence comes your way? You are probably saying, “What are you talking about?”

You see, we have so many ways to promote ourselves and our businesses these days, namely social media. Social media is a fantastic way to tell the world your dreams and make them a reality. However, the closer you get to success on these new platforms, the more haters and trolls you come across.

I have come across numerous people that started to use social media to promote themselves. As they grew more successful, they received more and more nasty, and sometimes aggressive, comments and feedback and they eventually gave into it.

Why!? Why allow people to steal your dream? The more you try and succeed, the more haters you will have to go through. Don’t give into people that most of the time don’t even use there real names. They create avatars to beat up people following their dreams, usually out of jealousy because they don’t have the courage to reach for their own.

More often than not, these people don’t even take the time to truly look at what you’re doing before they criticize it. I truly laugh at those people who tell us our videos “suck” or our blog posts are “horrible.” How do they know? They don’t even watch the episodes or read our blog.

Don’t stop! Keep working towards your dream and be consistent in your social media. You will succeed, believe you me. Some don’t understand what you’re doig, but if you believe it in your heart then don’t stop!


1) Collaborate with other creators.

2) Comment & Forward work that you like.

3) Build Real Relationships with other content creators.

4) Have No Shame in plugging yourself any chance you get.

Give these tools a shot. And let me know how they work for you. And we at are always interested in calibration.

My Shameless Plug! / The Company / The Network

And just look me up on all the social media and lets connect: “BERT OLIVA”

Let’s Make It Happen, Together!

Live Life,
Bert Oliva