
Bert Oliva

How “Social” is Your Social Media?

by Bert Oliva

Sometimes the name “social media” can be misleading. Social media may have started out as a way to just keep in contact with our friends and old classmates, but social media has become a whole different animal nowadays. Now it is not only a way to connect with those people important to our personal lives, but it is one of the primary ways to connect with our clients and prospects as well.

The question is, what kind of image are you putting out there? Are you professional or are you completely personal? There is a fine line to walk when posting on social media. People don’t want to do business with people who appear to be robots, but people also don’t want to do business with people who appear to be completely unprofessional either.

The most important thing about your social media is that you must be consistent and authentic. That way, when people do contact you, they are not shocked with whom they meet; they already got to know you a bit through your postings, etc.

If you are struggling to find that balance, it is often helpful to have a third party do a review of your social media and tell you what image you are presenting to the world. You will be amazed to find out what others can find out about you online.

At times it may seem like there are a lot of “rules” to remember and a lot of different platforms to attend to, but don’t let yourself get overwhelmed. I recommend starting with one social media platform and mastering it first before branching out to others. It is better to appear strong in one, than weak in many. Just do not let fear of the unknown keep you from jumping in. Now is the time to take advantage of everything social media has to offer.

Live Life,
Bert Oliva