
Bert Oliva

I Don’t Understand

by Bert Oliva

I don’t understand why you keep getting in your own way. I don’t understand why you keep questioning your path.

Why do you keep pausing and looking behind you rather than looking forward? Why do you keep allowing fear to creep into your heart? Why do you continue to cling to negative people in your life because they make you feel safe or stroke your ego? Why do you allow your anger and jealousy of others to cloud your own destiny?

You are amazing, talented, and beautiful. Inside and out. You have a voice and a story to share with the world. Do not allow pettiness, envy, or fear to dim the light that shines within you. Grow the light and share it with the world. Not in a blinding, burning way, but in a warming, nurturing way.

There are enough opportunities and resources in this world for everyone. Stop being jealous of others’ successes, instead praise them, and go out and achieve yours. Sending out that positive energy towards others will come back to you threefold. You’ll be surprised at how quickly your successes come when you change from an envious mindset to an abundant mindset.

Stop getting in your own way. Go out and Make It Happen.

Live Life,
Bert Oliva