
Bert Oliva


by Bert Oliva

Have you ever asked yourself what is my gut saying? Think about how many times you asked yourself that question and then all of a sudden you adverted danger. It was your internal radar alerting you, otherwise known as your gut or INSTINCTS. Your intuition saved your life because your were paying attention to it.

According to neuro-scientists, our brains have two reactions – the uneasy feeling that you get in the back of your mind or the realization that you have made a bad decision.

In order to recognize these feelings and have them interpret the information for your best decision, you must learn to program yourself accordingly.

Think about what happens to your body when you have that sensation. Your stomach feels weird, your hairs stand up, you sometimes feel the adrenaline entering your body. You may wonder why this happens – it is merely that your digestive system shuts down to allow more blood in to your bloodstream.

That shot of adrenaline signals your brain that something is wrong. So your sensors turn on. So pay attention. Your subconscious works almost 10 times faster than your conscious mind. So your conscious mind has no idea because it has not processed the information yet. At this precise moment your sub-conscious has triggered what is called the fight-mode.

That is when you feel your peripheral vision turn on, your senses feel heightened. You have the need to turn around or move out of the way.

So, learn to listen to your inner-self it could save your life, your health or your future.

Until next time.


“In order to recognize these feelings and have them interpret the information for your best decision, you must learn to program yourself accordingly.” – Bert Oliva