
Bert Oliva

Limiting Beliefs

by Bert Oliva

Do you have limiting beliefs that are preventing you from reaching your goals? Most likely you’ll find yourself doing the same old thing year after year, thinking that nothing will ever change for you. If the truth will set you free, surely nothing will change you more quickly than knowing your limiting beliefs.

Is it possible to have faith in something that you believe in with all your heart, mind, and soul, and for that something to still be false? Limiting beliefs are limiting in facts and are ideas which you choose to take on faith alone. When you presume false ideas to be absolutely true, you force your mind to operate in a state of disillusionment.

Eliminating your limiting Beliefs:

1) Explore the less than desirable things that happen in you life.
2) Explore the feeling that you experience on a recurring basis.
3) Uncover when you first experienced this feeling.
What was the triggering event?
What were the painful feelings you experienced?
What beliefs about yourself and/or others did you internalize in the moment of your painful experience?
4) Acknowledge these destructive feelings and transition them to a positive by finding the solution they offer you. So instead of complaining about traffic use the time to listen to an audio book.

Once you have mastered the techniques to discover your limiting beliefs, you can address them immediately. By breaking those patterns, it will finally be possible to reach the goals you said a person like you could never reach. I heard in the news about a woman who lifted a car to rescue her pinned child. Before that day she never though she could lift a car, but at that moment she saw no other option. Sure her adrenaline was pumping, but she had no room in her mind to wonder if she could do it, only that she had to do it.

You are the director of your life’s story. If you want to change the story you have to change your beliefs (and feelings) about the story. When you decide that something is important enough, you will overcome those limiting beliefs, but why wait until that moment. Address those beliefs today that are holding you from the promotion, solid relationship, or just general happiness.

Here is your homework:
In a quite place with no distractions spend 5-10 minutes thinking about each of the questions below. Go through each layer of limiting beliefs (they will sound more like excuses), until you get to the core. At that point you can address it and change your destructive patterns that have been holding you back.

-What are the reoccurring disappointments in your life?
-What caused these disappointments?
-What was it that you needed to do to
prevent it from happening?
-What kept you from doing it?
-Though it will be uncomfortable, what will you do next time so that you have the opportunity to have a better outcome?
-Are you holding on to any of these limiting beliefs?

Change your beliefs, Change your life!

Until next time.


“When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” – Wayne Dyer