
Bert Oliva


by Bert Oliva

I wake up in the morning with pains on my stomach. I hold the pain inside not letting anyone know how much I’m hurting. Not putting focus on the pain.

Three days go by and I end up in the emergency room. I could not take the pain anymore.

“Mr. Oliva, you have been diagnosed with several issues…

1) infection in your colon
2) looks like you have a tear in your colon
3) one of your kidneys has a cyst.”

“Now where do I go from here?” I ask myself. Do I allow my myself to fall into a rabbit hole of self-pity or worry? We have choices in life and these choices are daily. They will teach us lessons. So what are your choices today? And what will your learn?

Life is full of messages. However, most of the time many of us are moving at a really fast pace–so fast we miss the messages. Sometimes we must end up in a hospital bed to slow us down.

My message on this day: I am so fortunate to have so many people that love me. You see, I truly believe that we reap what we sow. Sometimes it takes times like this to see who these people are. Some of these people are not around all the time. But when you need support and love they show up. Open your eyes and see the messages in your life.

I am a truly blessed person. I thank you all for your support and love. For believing in me and my teaching and for some you simply loving me.

Thank you, God!

Live Life,