
Bert Oliva


by Bert Oliva

Over the last more than 20 years of my career I have noticed something: who you surround yourself with is in direct proportion to who you will become, unless you choose to do something about it.

Maybe in your case you’re “happy.” If so, don’t even keep reading this post.

For the most part, we all have good hearts, and all we want is love and happiness. However, if we have said unkind things about or done things we’re not proud of to people we once cared for or loved, our hearts can begin to be filled with hurt and regret. At times, instead of coming clean to ourselves and those we have hurt by owning up to our words and actions, we will make the situation worse by surrounding ourselves with other people who tell us what we want to hear: “You did nothing wrong. It was all them. You are completely right.” Lying to ourselves is damaging enough, but surrounding ourselves with people who help build up those lies is a perfect recipe for hate, anger and anything else that can feed the negative.

These type of people are happy when they have gossip or anything negative to say about someone or something. They like to root us on when we speak badly about someone and really seem to love to have a “bashing party” any moment they can. However, when we are hurt emotionally we don’t see that clearly and we jump on this train destined for destruction. The sad thing is, by the time we usually realize this, the person or persons we once cared for and loved is/are no longer in our life. We chose the road of speaking unkind and negative things, that most of the time we exaggerate and have made more of than what was true, in order to make ourselves feel better about our actions.

Before we know it, we can become so infected by these negative people, that we become one ourselves. Now I want you to truly think about how you would feel about becoming one of these “powerful” people? Happy? Can only good things come from being in this place? If you have answered “Yes” to even just one of these questions, then stop reading this now. We must hit rock bottom before we can rise from the ashes. And continuing on this path of negativity can only end in ashes.

If you are still reading, then there is hope for you. You must take massive action now. Start choosing your so-called “friends” better. And when it’s your family that is attacking,then take a break so you can build yourself again.

It’s never too late to love those that you hate. Hate is not a good place to be in.

Start now and make a drastic move to repair what once was true friendship or love.

My mother always told me, “We can fix anything as long as we are alive.” And obviously you are alive if you are reading this.

Do what’s right and don’t allow your friends and mind to play games with you.

Live Life,