
Bert Oliva

Thank You

by Bert Oliva

What are the things that you truly appreciate in your life?

Do you normally take time to show appreciation to those closest to you? Presents do not have to accompany your actions, a simple dish, a sticky note in an unexpected place or even a handwritten note. There are so many ways to show someone that you appreciate them, even a simple unexpected lunch break can make someone’s day shine.

For those that seem to forget that really minuscule things can show you appreciate someone, here are some simple suggestions:
1) Do something without asking
2) Finish a chore for them
3) Prepare a bubble bath
4) Dedicate a song
5) Send a text message
6) Fill their tank with gas

For those of you in serious relationships do not forget that women need to feel appreciated in order to show appreciation for their men. Appreciation shows the other person that you value them. In this hectic world it is nice to think someone can do something nice for you and feel valued for it. But of course doing something nice for someone is rewarding in itself for you, do not expect something in return. Just like property, increasing someone’s self worth is value added to someone’s life.

Until next time.


“The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the grandest intention.” – Oscar Wilde