
Bert Oliva


by Bert Oliva

We have been given the most powerful computer in the world and most people don’t use it…it’s the brain. Our brain has the power to create anything and everything our heart desires. However most people choose to do nothing but complain.

Most say to themselves, “I’m not smart enough. I did not finish school. I don’t have time to learn new things…” I think you get the idea.

You can choose to live in your justifications or choose to use your brain “computer.” Don’t let it go to waste.

Here, let me give you some exercises.

1) Start by reading a book or magazine that you find interesting. Once you start reading things you enjoy, you will find yourself reading more and your brain will start to produce new ideas.

2) Find a group or person that you can have great conversations with. Talking and sharing with people will stimulate your brain also.

3) Find a place where you can have “you” time. It can be as little as 5 minutes by yourself in silence. You will be amazed how real silence will get your brain to open up.

I gave you several choices to start with. Give it a shot. If you find one of these tools work for you, please share with others. And remember I’m always interested in your feedback. I’m always here for you.

Live Life,

Bert Oliva