
Bert Oliva

The Choice Is Yours

by Bert Oliva

How are you spending this last week of 2014? Are you just coasting through? Or are you still pushing to accomplish things these last few days? My family, team, and I are on a road trip. We’re traveling to a friend’s wedding and stopping at various places along the way.

The trip is fun and a vacation for all of us. However, my team and I are still working. I’m still doing my videos. LJ is editing footage. Alexa and Val are making calls. In between we’re singing songs with our kids and stopping to see fun and new places. We call this a “workation” – it’s a mix of vacation and work.

Just because it is the last week of 2014, does not mean you should not push. Make that one more call. Spend time with a loved one. Do one more thing to make today, and this week, one that you will not regret.

There is never a reason to just give up. Ever. There is no excuse that justifies giving up. Life isn’t perfect, but it’s up to us to do everything we can to make our lives what we want to make them.

Remember, how you end your year is how you start your year. So whether you are at work or on vacation this week, make it something that counts. You have the power to make this a great week or a blah week. My family, team, and I are choosing to make it the best week of 2014 and a great start to 2015. How about you? The choice is yours.

Live Life,
Bert Oliva



  1. diane nero  December 30, 2014

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