
Eric Munter


by Eric Munter

I have been staring at my computer screen for some untold amount of time pondering what in the world to blog about today. This is ironic for a couple different reasons. The first is because this has been a wonderfully productive weekend, writing wise. I’ve tackled several writing projects I’ve been wanting to make progress on of late. I’ve also discovered a few that I had started a year or so back and revisited with fresh eyes.

Perhaps the biggest reason why my blog-writer’s block is ironic though, is because one of the book’s I’ve been working on is titled “The Writer’s Block Smasher.” I’m not completely sold on this title yet, so please refrain from rolling your eyes in judgement or thinking to yourself, “That’s a horrible title.” Anyhow, this book is a workbook / interactive journal / writer’s block-breaker that has a different topic or question on each page. The goal is to provide a writer who can’t think of something to write about a subject on which to write.

So here I am with writer’s block of my own, blogging about it when I am currently writing a book that aims to conquer this conundrum. Paradoxical? Sure. Ironic? Yes. Humorous? I certainly find it to be, because I always try and find the humor in life – even when I can’t think of a way to write some.