
Bert Oliva

This Is It

by Bert Oliva

What do you want? When was the last time you took a moment and asked yourself that question? And truly answered it? It is now the second month of the New Year. What have you accomplished so far? What have you already given up on?

Take some time today and evaluate where you are. What are your biggest goals? What do you feel you have already achieved? Do not let other’s ideas of you or your past view of yourself to identify you. Only you can know who you are and what is truly in your heart. Get to know the person you are currently.

Once you know who you are and what you want, make a plan for yourself. A real one. Not one that is dramatic or unachievable. If you want to lose 40 pounds, don’t plan on losing 10 this week. Work towards one. Setting yourself up for failure is one of the least productive things you can do.

Every day represents a new day to start and to move forward. Do not allow yesterday’s perceived mistakes to affect what you are doing today. Yet do not allow the excuse of you can try again tomorrow to justify you not working on yourself, your goals, and your life today. Yesterday is gone, but tomorrow is not promised. Today is all you have. So what will you do with it?

Live Life,
Bert Oliva