
Bert Oliva


by Bert Oliva

Are you one of those people that pushes with everything they have all the time? Really? At times, we all have moments when we don’t push as hard as we can. And we make excuses for ourselves: I’d push harder, if my bills were paid… if my health was better… if I had more sleep…

Now is not the time for excuses. Excuses either put us in the past or the future. However, this moment right now is all we have, so it’s time we start living it. When we give everything we have to this moment, there is no need for excuses—we are pushing to our limit.

And, the more we push to our limit, the more our limits grow. Because, truly, the potential of the human spirit is limitless. We just allow ourselves to limit ourselves with excuses.

1) Start paying attention to how often you make excuses for yourself.

2) Set a goal for yourself each morning and do not go to sleep without accomplishing it.

3) Each night, evaluate your day. Ask yourself whether you really gave your all in everything you did today. If not, how can you push harder tomorrow?

Live Life,
Bert Oliva