
LJ Polin


by LJ Polin

How? By simply reading the title of this article.

A lot of times we do not realize how much of our time we spend wasting it. It’s in our nature though, I know I do it. Yup. You’ve been there, looking for an email from a client where you stumble upon an email about your favorite band playing in your city. You click the link to see an ad banner on the site about your favorite shoes. Which takes you to a video page where after watching it you are compelled to click on the related videos down a digital rabbit hole of lost time.

I feel wasteful just writing that…


So let’s try and stay focused guys! My mentor, Bert Oliva has actually given me a great tool to help this as well: document your day and how long it takes you to do things for at least 7 days. Let me use my psychic abilities and tell you that after viewing what you have documented after 24 hours you will feel pretty wasteful. It’s a plain and simple tool that definitely is eye opening. And just by being aware of this you will be more conscious of what you spend your time on.

Try it!

*Depending on your reading speed