The BOWA Blog

Val Leichtman

CHANGE . . .

by Val Leichtman

Pain. The pain in my palms is overwhelming. My nails dig into them harder. Small trickles of blood start to appear. I grasp tighter, trying to hold onto the stream of water to no avail . . .
Change. At times I find myself involuntarily cringing at the word. Instinctually, I’m not a fan of it. I’m not sure any of us are at our basest of natures; we like habit. It feels safe. The problem is, that change is inevitable. And trying to hold onto the past with an iron grip is as futile as trying to hold onto a rush of running water.

Besides being futile, it’s exhausting. I have found myself at times running around in circles trying to avoid change. For instance, I once spent an entire day trying to get an older version of Microsoft Word to work rather than installing the newer version of the program (which I already had, by the way, and did not need to purchase). In the end, I ended up having to install the new program anyway, and I lost a whole day for no reason.

Almost always, change is very good; it brings in new ideas, new people, new experiences. Nevertheless, thinking logically when change is looking you square in the eye does not come easily, at least not for me. I almost physically feel myself grind my heels in and my inner, petulant 6-year-old little girl voice scream “No!” inside my mind, whenever I am faced with change.

Little by little, I am working on this. I would like to think that I’m more open to change than I used to be, but I can’t say that I greet it with excitement . . . not yet. I hope to one day though.

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Bert Oliva


by Bert Oliva

Most of us want to know how to become an expert. An expert in what, you might ask? An expert in anything you want.

Now this topic is large. But I will try to make it shot for this blog.

I have been doing seminars for over 20 years now on a professional level. And I see that most people will buy the products and take them home. Then days, weeks and sometime even years go by and they never open the product. Don’t become one of these people.

To become an expert in whatever you want is simple. But most simple things we don’t do. We say “I will do it tomorrow” and tomorrow never comes.

1) When you buy a product or service to make you or your career excel, take action and do the work.

2) Go to every seminar, workshop and expert that you can find and become the best student.

3) Choose what it is you want to become an expert in and go do it!

Look, life will give you outs. But don’t take them. Stay in the path, work on your craft, and don’t ever give up. Ever! And you will become The Expert!

Live Life,
Bert Oliva

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Alexa Oliva


by Alexa Oliva

I am. I know. I must. I trust. I laugh. I sleep. I work. I read. I write. I clean. I drive. I fly. I walk. I talk. I sing. I smile. I see. I type. I eat. I breathe. I sit. I Wave. I dress. I buy. I earn. I pay. I own. I drink. I text. I hear. I fix. I break. I hurt. I cry. I heal. I speak. I live. I love. I am me!

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Eric Munter


by Eric Munter

I have been staring at my computer screen for some untold amount of time pondering what in the world to blog about today. This is ironic for a couple different reasons. The first is because this has been a wonderfully productive weekend, writing wise. I’ve tackled several writing projects I’ve been wanting to make progress on of late. I’ve also discovered a few that I had started a year or so back and revisited with fresh eyes.

Perhaps the biggest reason why my blog-writer’s block is ironic though, is because one of the book’s I’ve been working on is titled “The Writer’s Block Smasher.” I’m not completely sold on this title yet, so please refrain from rolling your eyes in judgement or thinking to yourself, “That’s a horrible title.” Anyhow, this book is a workbook / interactive journal / writer’s block-breaker that has a different topic or question on each page. The goal is to provide a writer who can’t think of something to write about a subject on which to write.

So here I am with writer’s block of my own, blogging about it when I am currently writing a book that aims to conquer this conundrum. Paradoxical? Sure. Ironic? Yes. Humorous? I certainly find it to be, because I always try and find the humor in life – even when I can’t think of a way to write some.

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Val Leichtman


by Val Leichtman

The stone drops in the lake, marking the water momentarily on its decent. Small concentric circles begin to appear around the now invisible mark, getting larger and larger until they reach the lake’s edge.

“No, I can’t do that.” I say and hang up the phone. The atmosphere around me indents at my action momentarily and then bounces back. Small concentric circles begin to appear in the atmosphere around the now invisible mark, getting larger and larger until they reach the edge of my reality.

The Ripple Effect. It seems to be kind a catch phrase in today’s world. Anything we do will affect something else. A butterfly flaps its wings in Japan and a tsunami happens on the other side of the world…

I’m a firm believer in the ripple effect. Not necessarily on such a dramatic scale as the butterfly, but most certainly on a personal level. As Bert says in his “Own Your Life” audio program, “Small changes can have a big effect.” He’s right.

Over the past few years since I started working with BOWA, I’ve made quite a few relatively small changes, but each caused a ripple effect within me and subsequently with those I interact with. For instance, the most powerful tool I think Bert ever reintroduced to me was the journal. I now take at least 5 minutes a day and write about what I’m feeling. Simple right? Yes, but those few moments of introspection now help me understand myself better. When I work my journal properly, it helps me see when I’m heading into a negative state before I can even feel it, which then gives me time to try to avert that state entirely.

I’m by no means perfect at this. In fact, oftentimes I forget to journal at the times I need it most. All I’m saying is, the power of one small action, like picking up a pen a few minutes a day, can ripple through your life like a tsunami.

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Bert Oliva


by Bert Oliva

Do you listen to your little voice? Are you paying attention to the questions you’re asking yourself at times? What about the answers you give yourself?

I really want you to think about what I’m asking you. Many times, I have seen people that always give advice. And they give incredible advice. However, they seem not to listen to their own advice most of the time.

I really believe we all have a sixth sense at times; that little voice inside ourselves. But we are not listening to it or seem to avoid it and we end up doing the wrong things most of the time.

Become more aware of what your little voice is telling you. I’m not say it’s always right. What I’m saying is listen to it. Pay attention…

1) Take note of the questions you’re asking yourself every day.

2) When giving advice, notice how your advice can help yourself.

3) Write down what your little voice is telling you most of the time. Pay attention to the messages you see there.

Look, I’m not saying that I have all the answers. All I’m saying is, if you pay attention to your life, life will look so much more different.

Live Life,
Bert Oliva

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Alexa Oliva


by Alexa Oliva

I have seen many people have their lives fall apart before their eyes because they can’t keep their living spaces in order. Being organized just takes a little big of time. The next way to start is to decide what categories you need to make then take everything and throw it into those categories. Then you split those categories and start organizing.

I have a rule that if I haven’t used it in over a year I toss it. Especially if I don’t have a use for it in the near future.

Another tip before it gets too messy and overwhelming is try setting out a day of the week to tackle any mess you have. If you pile up the clothes all week, then Saturday take 10 or 15 minutes to make sure it doesn’t get out of control.

Good luck.

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