The BOWA Blog

Val Leichtman


by Val Leichtman

“Boarding pass and ID, ma’am?”

My heart thuds in my ears. A painful lump forms in my throat. I try to swallow but my mouth is desert dry, my tongue sandpaper that sticks to the roof of my mouth a moment. As I pull out my wallet, the airline attendant behind the kiosk taps her foot and sighs loudly, blowing her platinum-dyed bangs up in a huff. I sift through my ID’s. Who do I want to be today?

Blonde, Cheryl Adams, 35, confident mother of 2? Tall, thin, always on-the-go advertising executive Maria Alvarez? Bohemian, Marly Davis, high-school dropout now playing the role of a starving artist? My fingers graze over each plastic coated card, each a different person I’ve chosen to play at some point in my life. I finally settle on one . . . my own, true driver’s license. I pull it out and stare at it a moment. I extend my hand holding my license to the attendant. It sticks to my sweaty palm a moment as she takes hold of the nearest edge. I fight the urge to recoil and run. I hold my breath as she inspects the information on the card.

She looks up, her mocha eyes piercing, seeing through my deception, I’m sure. There’s no way she’s gonna believe this one. I should’ve gone with—

My thoughts are interrupted as her cotton-candy-colored glossed lips break into a smile around her bleached teeth. “Welcome aboard, Ms . . .”


I am an identity thief. The above story is an utter piece of fiction, an allegory to depict a point, but the first sentence of this paragraph is completely true: I am an identity thief. No, I don’t have physical fake driver’s licenses or passports on me, but I do have multiple personas.

To my extended family, I’m “little Vallie,” a perpetual 12-year-old who agrees with everything anyone says about her grandmother’s deteriorating health even though her inner voice has its own opinions. To my friends, I’m Val, the aloof, argumentative 20-something-year-old whose “go-to” answer is “I don’t care” but in reality it’s too scary to have her own opinions because she doesn’t think she matter’s enough. At work, I’m Valerie who will agree to help anyone with just about any project, no matter what’s on her plate because she’s terrified of disappointing someone and her coworkers finally discovering she’s an impostor, that she’s not good enough to work with them. To my ex-husband, I’m . . . well, you get the idea.

The point is, over the years, I’ve created numerous identities that I slip into and out of like your favorite pair of flip flops. Depending on the situation, I float in and out of so many personalities that I don’t know which one is the real me and I’m exhausted because it always feels like someone is going to catch me in some sort of lie. The reality is that each persona is me. My real identity is all of them combined. However, when I try to just be me, I find myself like my earlier character—terrified that the people around me won’t believe my true identity. This fear causes me to go back to what I’m comfortable with—playing a persona.

I no longer just want to be comfortable. Bert reminded me today that growth only occurs outside the barriers of your comfort zone. I’m tired of hiding who I am. So, it’s time for me to get uncomfortable, stand up and just be me, even the parts of me that I don’t like. The only way to change those is to actually face them head on. So, even though I want to crawl under the nearest rock when I see it, here’s the most real I’ve been in awhile:

Hi, I’m Valerie. I’m the BOWA cry baby. Who are you?

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Bert Oliva


by Bert Oliva

Have you ever noticed that sometimes it takes something bad to happen so you can see people’s true colors?

A lot of people will say they love you or tell you how much they care. But when push comes to shove, they are not there when it really matters. So what is one to do about it? Nothing…

Eyes wide open. We must wake up and let go. There comes a time that we must move on. If you try to show those people what they are doing, they will justify everything or it will not end up good. So keep your head up and move forward. Don’t take it anymore but don’t hate them either. Most of the time they don’t know they are doing this.

Remember, if you focus on the negative you miss out the positive.

We should take a step back and see and enjoy those that are there for us in good and bad times. I love you! And you know who you are…

Live Life,

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Bert Oliva


by Bert Oliva

I wake up in the morning with pains on my stomach. I hold the pain inside not letting anyone know how much I’m hurting. Not putting focus on the pain.

Three days go by and I end up in the emergency room. I could not take the pain anymore.

“Mr. Oliva, you have been diagnosed with several issues…

1) infection in your colon
2) looks like you have a tear in your colon
3) one of your kidneys has a cyst.”

“Now where do I go from here?” I ask myself. Do I allow my myself to fall into a rabbit hole of self-pity or worry? We have choices in life and these choices are daily. They will teach us lessons. So what are your choices today? And what will your learn?

Life is full of messages. However, most of the time many of us are moving at a really fast pace–so fast we miss the messages. Sometimes we must end up in a hospital bed to slow us down.

My message on this day: I am so fortunate to have so many people that love me. You see, I truly believe that we reap what we sow. Sometimes it takes times like this to see who these people are. Some of these people are not around all the time. But when you need support and love they show up. Open your eyes and see the messages in your life.

I am a truly blessed person. I thank you all for your support and love. For believing in me and my teaching and for some you simply loving me.

Thank you, God!

Live Life,

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Val Leichtman

Roll With It

by Val Leichtman

Sitting in an uncomfortable, hard chair, facing the foot of the bed, all I see at first is black-socked feet below a hospital gown. I hear some intermittent beeping and slight groans of pain. A woman wearing green scrubs with her long brunette hair pulled back appears and talks to the patient for a moment. He replies, “This wasn’t part of my plan.”

And then he laughs . . .

The beeping is drowned out as the other sounds begin to take over. Bert smiling despite his pain as he cracks a joke at Serg’s expense from his bed. Serg’s loud, joking response as he leans over to playfully smack Bert on the leg. Alexa laughing despite herself while she’s on the phone rescheduling a business meeting. Sabrina putting her two cents in and ending it with her infectious giggle. The hospital room is transformed into a family get-together and staff meeting, laughing and planning sales tactics for our company, BOWAworld.

I have to admit, I am a sincere type A personality. I like things planned well in advance and I like all my bases covered. I’m not a fan of surprises and I often stress myself out to the point of tears . . . somehow, despite these short-comings, the crazy, spontaneous Bert and Alexa, the patriarch and matriarch of the BOWAfamily, adopted me and welcomed me in with open arms. And I’m so grateful that they did. Each day, I learn something new from them.

Today, sitting in that hospital room, I saw by example how to roll with the punches and not allow situations and circumstances keep you from your goal. As Bert stated, being hospitalized for an infection was not part of his plan, but neither he nor Alexa are allowing themselves to fall into self-pity or despair. Both are still making the best of where they are, making time for family and still following up with business. They’re just moving forward.

That’s why these two people have my respect and my unfaltering loyalty. They are continually teaching me through their actions, not their words alone. They’re not perfect, but they’re genuine.

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Bert Oliva


by Bert Oliva

Over the last more than 20 years of my career I have noticed something: who you surround yourself with is in direct proportion to who you will become, unless you choose to do something about it.

Maybe in your case you’re “happy.” If so, don’t even keep reading this post.

For the most part, we all have good hearts, and all we want is love and happiness. However, if we have said unkind things about or done things we’re not proud of to people we once cared for or loved, our hearts can begin to be filled with hurt and regret. At times, instead of coming clean to ourselves and those we have hurt by owning up to our words and actions, we will make the situation worse by surrounding ourselves with other people who tell us what we want to hear: “You did nothing wrong. It was all them. You are completely right.” Lying to ourselves is damaging enough, but surrounding ourselves with people who help build up those lies is a perfect recipe for hate, anger and anything else that can feed the negative.

These type of people are happy when they have gossip or anything negative to say about someone or something. They like to root us on when we speak badly about someone and really seem to love to have a “bashing party” any moment they can. However, when we are hurt emotionally we don’t see that clearly and we jump on this train destined for destruction. The sad thing is, by the time we usually realize this, the person or persons we once cared for and loved is/are no longer in our life. We chose the road of speaking unkind and negative things, that most of the time we exaggerate and have made more of than what was true, in order to make ourselves feel better about our actions.

Before we know it, we can become so infected by these negative people, that we become one ourselves. Now I want you to truly think about how you would feel about becoming one of these “powerful” people? Happy? Can only good things come from being in this place? If you have answered “Yes” to even just one of these questions, then stop reading this now. We must hit rock bottom before we can rise from the ashes. And continuing on this path of negativity can only end in ashes.

If you are still reading, then there is hope for you. You must take massive action now. Start choosing your so-called “friends” better. And when it’s your family that is attacking,then take a break so you can build yourself again.

It’s never too late to love those that you hate. Hate is not a good place to be in.

Start now and make a drastic move to repair what once was true friendship or love.

My mother always told me, “We can fix anything as long as we are alive.” And obviously you are alive if you are reading this.

Do what’s right and don’t allow your friends and mind to play games with you.

Live Life,

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Bert Oliva


by Bert Oliva

I want to wish all the mothers a beautiful and great Mother’s Day. This is my first Mother’s Day without my mother. Don’t take your mothers or anyone you love for granted. Tomorrow is never promised.

Mom I miss you and love you so much. Today is your day. And I will honor today and always.

Live Life,

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Bert Oliva


by Bert Oliva

I really love those people that that say, “I have been saved. And now I am a different person.” However, the first chance they can, they lash out, disrespect and even attack. And then they say, “I have accepted the Lord.” My question is how hypocritical can you be?

When a person takes a “saved” path, then they should stick with it. Even when all temptation comes up. You must choose the better choice. Not take the easy route by being your old self and then saying, “But I have been saved” after you attack someone with your words. Being saved does not grant you the right to treat others any way you please.

If you are truly saved or have chosen the better path, you should not have to say it as much as show it. Actions will alway trump words…

So just take a step back when someone says, “I have been saved,” just before they attack. A truly “saved” person won’t attack…

So are you truly saved?

Live Life,

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